Binge Binge Binge (eating disorders)

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sorry I havent updated I finally finished school, and  on summer! I will update regularly for all you lovelys :).

During the final months of 9th I went on a full blown binge fest. I would eat and eat, and eat, and eat. Then after I ate, I would cry, then self harm, then feel guily then take laxatives, then say that I wouldnt eat the next and so on. I would repeat that every single day.

Then I started working out at the local gym. I would also wear these sweat wraps that went around ny stomach, just to get all the water weight off. I was a mess.

I got really bipolar with food. I loved it one day, then the next day I would hate it because it made me fat and then not eat at all, and be depressed for the day. It was a heap of confusion. I had my ups and downs with trying not to eat and then eating more than I should. I couldn't stop.

In the morning, when I was getting ready for school, I would put a timer and put 24 hours, and try not to eat for that long. Of course it never worked, because once I got home from school,  I would binge like crazy. I just didnt have paitence with food, I couldn't control myself.

Im pretty sure I ate more than 1000 calories every day, no joke. And the worst part was when my parents asked if I wanted to work out, I would pass because I felt so shitty about my appearance and self-esteem. And I would lay in bed and contemplate my life and why Im still here, if I keep on breaking my promises.

I just loved food, and sadly, it was taking a toll on my body. My metabolism was going really slow, and since I didnt work out or go to the gym to lose those calories, I gained 10 pounds, and had to buy new clothes that were a size bigger because of not fitting in all of my clothes.

In the summer of 10th grade, I knew I had to do something, I just couldnt keep on eating like this. Especially in the summer, when I could eat even more. So i started taking pills, laxatives, teas, and changing my intake of food completely. 

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