Judged Because of Who You Are

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So because of all thats been going on in my life and in social media, I decided to create this.

"Eww shes so skinny, look at her legs, she is all skin and bones"

" Hes a dumbass emo who cuts for attention"

" She such an attention whore for wearing black clothes and makeup"

" What a little slut"

" Shes so fat"

"Hes so ugly"

" Ew why is he holding hands with another guy"

" I guess we will never know if its a girl or guy"

" It should just kill themself"

How would it feel to overhear any of this while passing by a group of people, family, friends, or just a stranger on the street? Knowing that you cant be accepted for who you are, or what you had or are doing. For getting criticised for trying to accept your mistakes and forget the past to make your life better.

Everyday, one of these sayings if not others are being said to girls and guys all around the world. Getting judged because its either not ' socially accepted' and because of religion. Getting humiliated and discriminated because of what you believe in and what makes you happy in life.

Instead, you will have to listen to those critisms and try to put a smile on your face trying to forget they said that even though it may lower your pride and esteem.

Knowing that your parents cant accept you for what you are doing in life, or what you may have done in the past and always hold it against you for the rest of your life.

Imagine, not being accepted by others at school and getting teased everyday, to the point where you dont even want to get up from you bed. All you see is darkness, your are isolated with no love or compassion.  Wishing you can end all the suffering and pain in your life.

And all you wanted was to be accepted by others,  not get weird looks on the streets,  and spoke about within friends and family members. You just wanted to be a normal person that gets hurt, that has feelings, that isnt a robot.

Society has changed over the years, it is now more based off by looks, rather than intelligence or personality. On social media websites, usually beautiful women get tons and tons of likes and followers, but just because of their looks. And you sit there thinking, ' how can I get that many likes?' ' how can I look just like them?' So girls and guys drastically change their habits and apperances to " fit in" with whats "normal" .

But the truth is, will all that change to be someone that your not help you in the future? Will all those bad criticism and attacks made by others help you in real life?

No, all of what is in now, will be gone in years even months from now, people will move on to other things and change. Be yourself, and keep looking ahead, keep all the negativity aside from what really matters, your future.

Your life is very important in this world. Others are dependent of you, even if it may not seem that way at the moment, in the meer future, someone and something will need you for future projects and affection.

Stay strong and do seek help when needed. Please call an adult or trusted person for advice or help if you see abnormal reactions or emotions in a close friend or family member. Even a stranger on the street can be in serious help of a smile or wave. Call or help anyone that may look in need of assistance.Because it can all end in the blink of an eye.

Dont be the attacker or the bystander,be the helper and caregiver.

Thank you and bless you all.

RIP to anyone who has committed death to themselves or has been in an accident in which  death was involved,  you truly will be missed and have left a mark on earth and people's hearts and souls. May your soul make many more in heaven. ♡ 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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