Beginning of how I got bullied

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I got bullied for multiple reasons, either because I was overweight as a child, or just not fitting in with everyone else.

Both boys and girls bullied me, but the majority were girls. Either from my grade and even from a lower grade.

The bullying started in 2nd grade and continued all the way to 9th grade, and thats when I snapped and turned to harsher ways of self injury and deprivation of happiness. As of right now, I am no longer getting bullied or harassed.  I just either snap at them for trying to pick at me and start rumors or just pretend they arent there, and exclude them from my life, because no one deserves to get bullied or harrased in any way.

If you are getting teased or rumors are spreading around at achool, just know that they want attention and are trying to make you get to their level. Dont let them, so them how higher you are compared to them. Just block them out of your life, you dont need their bs.

Im also going to be talking about ways to cope with being a stronger person, and to rise against bullying and the bully.

~To Be Continued~

( Rise above them, you are one special cupcake and show them whos boss. I love you and message me of anything is wrong and you just want to rant or need help or advice. I know I havent been replying fast enough to people and i apologize im a dumbass and should know better. For now on im here for YOU, so dont do anything drastic okay babes. I love you and stay strong for me :) ♡♡ )

My Secrets. (My Self Harm, EatingDisorders, Bullied,Self hate, and Recovery)Where stories live. Discover now