middle school and high school years.

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Middle school was very hard for me to fit in, so just imagine me when I was in elementary, to going to middle achool, everyone changing, hanging out with other kids and changing the way they view the world. For me it was hard, I began not eating properly just tk fit in, I bought tons of new items just to get in with the trend. I made new friends to try to change. It was a difficult time for me. The teasing got worse, and I didnt even say a word in class.

I have proof, if you look in my yearbook from either 7th or eighth grade, they are comments where it says tgat I was quiet, I was shy, i should eat my veggies, etc etc.

and that just lowered my self esteem even more. I started working out tremendously, and stopped eating around people. 

I just wanted to feel excepted.

Well the years goes by, with the bullying by girls, they not giving a shit about me and judging me anyway that they can. Talking shit about me, and even telling the whole school about me loving some kid for 6 years and he never liked me, and I was ugly and worthless. shouldnt even be alive. Just so much hate.

Once I entered high school, the beginning couple months were great, I was more social, I found another group of girls who were like me, weird as fuck, and I can actually be myself around them. I made a lot new friends, and even met my best friend, Denise.

It was all going well, and I boys actually foind me attractive lol. I even got my first boyfriend in 9th grade. That was probay one of the happiest year of my life.

It was until she came along..

( dun dun dun, cliffhanger! I know yall hate me for doing this. but I still love you ♡)

also please check out my new story, " Boy, youre trouble" its slightly good I promise. lol, its amazayn ;) anyways update later in this week mkay!)

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