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So who is this girl that im about to talk about?  Well she harassed,  bullied, threatened, and told everyone about my darkest secrets during freshmen year. Let me tell you how it all began...

Around September or so I met this girl,  lets call her "J", so I had her in a couple of classes, my P.E. and photography class. And at the start she was very loud and kinda obnoxious to be honest. But I didnt judge her right away.

Well one day, I was walking towards my last class, photography. And I noticed she was in front of me walking to the class as well. So trying to be social I introduced myself and said that we have both classes together. She seemed nice and talked to me all the way to the classroom. And from there I thought she was a good girl, wouldnt hurt me right?

Well after a couple months of talking, I got her number and found out that she was an only child, had a mom and dad, and worked out at the same gym as I. So I thought that was cool, and liked her. Well, it wasnt until she began hanging around this other mean and annoying girl, Nico. Soon after her personality changed for the worst.

She began getting annoying and bugging everyone.  No one really liked her and I felt bad, and she was somewhat insecure because she was chubby. But I still tried to be friends with her.

Well, around November I became really depressed and I self harmed for the first time ever. I seriously was a stupid 13 year old, not thinking of what might happen if I do something. So the first person I showed my cuts to were J. She was sad at first and even drew butterflies from the "butterfly project" I was actually surprised and happy that she cared for me.

that what I thought. then it all went downhill from there..

( I wont be writing any names here because of private and personal reasons, and "Nico" is just a nickname for the chick. not her actual name. Trust me theres worse to come, this was just the beginning of how I thought she was nice, but turned out to be a conniving little backstabber. Thanks for reading

I love you alll!♡♥♡♥♡)

My Secrets. (My Self Harm, EatingDisorders, Bullied,Self hate, and Recovery)Where stories live. Discover now