February 3rd (Merritt's Secret)

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In the one-on-one chat between Henley and Merritt:

Merritt: Hey Hennie

Henley: What is it, Mere?

Merritt: Can you keep a secret?

Henley: Of course I can; you know me

Henley: What is this secret?

Merritt: First I want you to promise me that you won't tell the others

Henley: Okay...

Merritt: /Especially/ not Jack

Henley: O-kayyyyy...

Merritt: Promise?

Henley: I don't get it, Mere

Henley: What's so important that you don't want anyone to know about it?

Merritt: Well

Merritt: I've come to a realization about something

Henley: Oh my God

Henley: You're gay

Henley: And a hypocrite

Henley: A gay hypocrite

Merritt: WHAT

Merritt: NO

Merritt: Completely the opposite

Henley: So a /straight/ hypocrite?

Merritt: Jesus fuck

Henley: Language

Merritt: You're not Captain America

Merritt: You can't get me to watch my language

Henley: I can tho

Henley: I'm mother hen Hennie, remember?

Merritt: *Rememem

Henley: Just tell me, Mere

Merritt: Okay

Merritt: Here goes

Merritt: I'm ace

Henley: ?

Merritt: Wow Hennie

Merritt: You're the most socially aware and yet you don't know what ace is

Henley: What is it?

Henley: Is it code for awesome?

Henley: Because you don't need to keep your awesomeness from us, Mere

Merritt: For shit's sake

Merritt: Google it

Henley: Ok damn

Henley: Don't need to ask me twice

*5 minutes later*

Henley: Oh my God Mere

Henley: I had no idea

Merritt: You make it sound like I have fricking cancer

Merritt: Are you sure you looked up the right thing?

Henley: Yeah

Henley: I found an entire article on it

Henley: 'Ace: Short for Asexual'

Henley: Mere, it's not that big a deal


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