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Jackson's P. O. V

"So it seems that Jb wants to schedule a meeting this afternoon.... Are you paying attention?" I asked.

Mark was looking at my lips, his gaze flickered up to my face. "Yes."


"How do you know if it's a lie, what if it's the truth?"

I chuckled and shook my head, Mark smiled a little then rubbed the back of his neck.

"J-jackson? "


"What if... Why can't we keep Max?"

I looked at him to see if he was serious, and he was. I frowned and shook my head.

"You know we can't-"

"I know....but why can't we?"

"I knew this was a bad idea," I mumbled.


"I said I knew this was a bad idea," I repeated a little louder.

"What was a bad idea?"

"Developing feelings for Maxy, these feelings will compromise the mission." I nodded my head, I had to remember that this was for the mission.

Maxy.... She means nothing. I nodded again, I can't let this mission become a mess just because of this kid.

"Are you serious? You're still focused on that crap?!"

I stood up and walked around him, I'm not looking for a fight right now.

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!"

I sighed and kept walking, these are one of those times where I was glad that Maxy wasn't home.

Mark turned me around, "What the hell is wrong with you Jackson?! You acted like you cared for Max-"

"That's all it is, an act."

What was I saying? Mark's jaw tightened.

"No it's not, your just afraid, you don't want to have these feelings because when it's time for her to leave you won't want to let her go!"

"Looks who's talking, your the one who's too attached to the goddamn kid! Why can't you understand that she's not our freaking kid?!"

"Why are you saying this Jackson?"

"Because it's true."

Mark poked me in my chest with his finger.

"It's not true and you freaking know it!"

"The only reason we're taking care of her is because we have to. Our mission is to find her aunt and uncle, since her parents were dumb enough to get themselves killed.

After we find them, we hand her over, and go back to our ordinary lives. That's it."

Mark shook his head, "What I don't understand is how you can be so heartless when you know that you have feelings for her!"

"What feelings?"

Shut up Jackson, stop talking.

"You know what, forget it, I'm tired of all your stupid shit! Why don't you have the same feelings for her like you have for me?"

"I don't have feelings for you. That's all an act too."

"You said-"

"What I said doesn't matter okay? So why don't you-"


Mark's P. O. V

I slapped Jackson across the face, he held his cheek and looked at me.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" he yelled.

"I think I should be asking that question! I lost my freaking virginity to you and you have the nerve to say that type of crap?"

Tears fell down my face, "If I didn't mean anything to you, then why the hell did you do all that with me?"

He looked away, I pushed him, which didn't do much because he's strong.

"I fucking hate you!"

I didn't have time to react, all I knew that I was on my back, Jackson on top of me.

"Get the hell off of me," I raised my hand to hit him, but it was pinned down.

Jackson pressed his lips to mine, shutting me up. I used my other hand to push against his chest, he pinned it as well. I turned my head away, but that didn't stop him from kissing down my neck.

"Get off me, why do you think that you can say all those things to me, and then kiss me?!"

He looked up at me, "Because... I... I love you."

"Save the shit for-"

He kissed me again, rougher this time. He slid his hand underneath my shirt and played with my nipple. I bit my lip.

"Jackson stop."

He took my shirt off and lowered his mouth to my other nipple. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Jackson stop!"

He froze, and looked up at me. His eyes widened.


I slapped him again, he got off of me, I stood up quickly, put my shirt back on, and hurried to the door.

Jackson grabbed my arm, "Mark-"

"Let me go."

"I didn't mean-"

"Just save it, I don't fucking care anymore. You never cared, all of this was a big game for you. And guess what, you got your damn prize!"

I yanked my arm out of his hold, and hurried out of the house, tears filling my eyes. I don't need him.


I sniffed and downed another drink, here I was, drinking in a bar, again.

I think this was my...... Ninth shot? Who cares, apparently no one. I downed another one.


I blinked and looked over at Taeyang, wait what is he doing here?

"Hey, what's you doing here?"

My words were starting to slur, great.

"I should be asking you that, what the heck are you doing here in a bar, at 10pm?" he asked, drinking one of my shots.

I didn't even know it was that late, after I fought with Jackson. It was around one. He must have picked her up.

"Drinking my feelings away."

"What, why?"

"Feelings get in the way of things."

I downed another shot, then downed another one. Taeyang took the next glass out of my hand.

"Yah, givesitback."

I stood up and reached for the glass, which wasn't the best of ideas. I stumbled, Taeyang put a hand on my shoulder.

"Lets get you home."

"No...idont want togo homme."

"Then I'll take you to my place."

I don't have a good feeling about this...... 😖

When I First Saw You (Markson/ Mafia Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now