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Maxine's P. O. V

I waited outside the school yard, waiting for Mommy and Daddy. The bell had just rung, and Mrs. Green has offered to wait with me.

I was super excited because of Valentine's Day. I wanted to give mommy and daddy a candy for them. It was only.....i counted on my fingers. Seven days away.

A car pulled up in front of me and Mrs. Green, but the people that stepped out weren't mommy and daddy. They walked over to Mrs. Green.

"Hello, are you her parents?" she asked.

"No, her parents told us to come pick her up." the guy with the big nose said.

"Oh, ok... Maxien I'll see you on Monday."

I waved goodbye as the teacher went back inside the school. I looked at the two tall dudes.

"Where's is mommy and daddy?"

"Your mommy is with us......with a friend that he knows and your daddy had a quick business errand to run."

"Oh, can I go to mommy?"

"Sure," the guy with the nice hair took my hand and helped me into the van.

Jackson's P. O. V

"Still no sign of him?" Jr asked.


"Well, that tends to happen when you yell at someone," Youngjae said.

"Are you trying to get punched in the face?" I snapped.

"Give me your best shot."

"Can you two please stop fighting," Bambam said.

Lucky, my phone rang causing me to stop the reply I was about to say. I picked it up and answered it.


"Hello, Taeyang here."

Taeyang here, seriously? I put him on speaker.

"What do you want?"

"Your little boyfriend, Mark, is staying over at my place along with the little girl."


"What are you doing with them?"

"Nothing yet, I'm more interested in Mark though."

Anger flared up in me, if he hurts him, he's going to wish he was never born.

"Don't you dare touch him."

"Oh, I think it's a little too late for that."

This asshole, "Where do you live?"

"Why, besides I'm not dumb enough to tell someone guy in a Mafia group my location."

"How do you know I'm a part of-"

"I have my ways of knowing, let's make a deal. You find me I set Markie here free, if you don't then Markie is going bye bye. You have two hours, bye."

He hung up, I threw my place across the room.

Sorry it's short, but this is all that came to mind. Also if you didn't know, I will be moving so I won't be able to update. That includes during summer break. I'm so sad. 😔

When I First Saw You (Markson/ Mafia Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now