Sixty-Four - Grasping At Age, At What Is Less, At What Is More

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Grasping At Age, At What Is Less, At What Is More

“Come on. We all want to say it: young men shouldn’t even be allowed to go to bought women, for the good of everyone. Twenty-three should be the youngest age that a man can go, because maybe  it wouldn’t be most young men who would become diseased, then, although, at that age, they still believe themselves invincible, don’t they? But what if they actually liked who they were with, when they reached that age? Maybe?

We just can’t have men using paid women from the time that they’re eighteen, and have all teen boys anticipating being eighteen, without therefore experiencing nor developing anything else, more. Twenty-three would force them to learn to socialize with women, rather than just learn to throw money at them. The mentality and wiring of young male brains, after all, matters, just like body and mental health matter where alcohol and cigarettes and gambling are concerned, which are all age-restricted, because we protect young people. ‘Legal’ doesn’t mean no regulations and everything goes. It’s legal to drive, but not for fifteen year olds.”

“And as for young women, they must be given the chance to become themselves. It’s a big decision, after all, becoming a bought woman. It changes a life forever, irreversibly, and there are consequences that young women just don’t think about. So, women should have the chance to work out their issues, and not just to fall into being a paid woman before they’re more intelligent, settled, and more aware of who they are. A young woman’s risky behaviour, after all, almost always involves pleasing a man.”     

“There must absolutely not be a surge of young women in college or university supporting themselves at a house where physical intimacy is bought. We don’t want all professional women having been whores in their past!”     

“It just can’t be age eighteen. A girl can’t sell herself in high school. And men, older men, old men, can’t be going to a bought toy who’s still in high school. It’s appalling when we hear about young girls being forced to marry old men, and we’re not going to be appalled here?”

“But there are so-called intimate acts that are clearly services, like we said, acts that are nothing personal, as long as there’s nothing more than small talk, and not much of it, before the woman does her work. She’s not selling who she is, then, because there’s no connection there. And it’s actually when all those service acts are demanded and expected by men from all girls and women, that all women are objectified. If they’re no longer expected from a girlfriend or a wife, however, because they’re all seen as paid services, like haircuts and manicures . . . ”

“But would men even want the ‘more,’ what’s not considered services? Has the adult entertainment industry not brainwashed them into wanting all that it shows instead, convincing them from the time that they’re boys now that they’re not happy otherwise, that they’re not real men, and not in control and powerful, if they don’t treat women that way, and get all that the women who are PAID to do those things on screen, do?”

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