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??? POV

A large creature sits on an iron throne. Skulls from terrestrial creatures line the sides, the most noticeable, a xenomorph queens skulls is above his throne.

He is a Yautja the leader of his ill and dying clan, he growls seeing one of his clans Researches enter the room swiftly. He came to the leader and bowed his head respectively averting his golden eyes elsewhere.

"Rise." The Yautja on the throne says old age has cracked his voice as he clicks his mandibles. The Yautja stands and then says, "we have a solution, we have found one with the correct bloodline."

The leader raised his head murmurs of his guards fill the tall roofed throne room as the Yautja Elder sees many looking shocked and speaking urgently. "Silence." He softly said waving his hand and an immediate hush falls over his guards going back to how they were before.

"Where?" The leader asks . "Earth sir, it is represented as a young ooman female." He explains.

The leader nods, "get a fix on her location. We need to get to Earth immediately." He says the strange planet oddly. He hasn't heard of Earth in some time his clan didn't hunt in that quadrant of the cosmos. He stands up, his red cloak drapes over his back as he walks to the male.

"Send Nightclaw, we cannot have any harm occur to the female." He says next to the male whom nods and rushes from the room. Before he could though the elder then says, "get us there immediately, there will be many wanting one measly ooman." He growls and hears a click then the door closing. He then turns to his guards, "your off duty for now." He says then leaves to his quarters.

I know this is short but it's a prologue

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