Chapter 30

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Hello! Just wanted to see how much me and my family are freaked by reaching 33k reads! Like I never fathomed this, thought I'd get like 1000 if I was lucky? But BOI WAS I WRONG, just wanna say how grateful I am. Love you guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Catherine's POV

Here was a point where she really wanted to return to Earth. It was the tiredness of being someone so important, the tiredness of having this huge responsibility to revive an entire species that was near death. She was frustrated and confused. For now though she was back in the ship and in a room on the medical bay, standing up as she had been pacing.

For a long while she was waiting for someone other then Gwan to come in, she didn't care who- just someone. In the room was a bed, but it resembled more of a pod. In there Gwan had done some painless testing to see if they could do anything about her new mutation. He also had made sure that bite on her leg which caused this stupid mutation was looking good, it was. It was wrapped though didn't really hurt anymore.

She looked at herself in the mirror, she didn't seem the same from when she left earth, but of course she was different now. She was taken by space aliens, used as a cure, kidnapped and even scarred up. She was looking at the ones that marked her stomach from that thing her and Paya had discovered, the pack that attacked them. Just looking at them made her remember everything that happened that day, it terrified her.

The thought that they were still out there, lurking somewhere... it made her not want to go outside again after this. Catherine would sigh, tearing her eyes from the forming scars that she couldn't bare to look like. She could see a deprivation of light- life in her eyes. It was gone, she hadn't been living like a normal human like she had her entire life. She had been living like someone who needed to survive while she had been in that clan of bad Yautja, closing sections of herself off to bear with what was going on.

And those sides of her hadn't flicked on yet, she was still trying to survive, she wasn't living. Catherine knew it yet just had no clue what to do about it. She would sit on the edge of the pod, feeling it's smooth and curved surface beneath her legs as they dangled off of it. She would quickly plant her feet firmly on the ground, to just let them dangle... reminded her of the first camp.

The putrid smell and sights came back. She could still hear human women, men and children yelling out and could see that male that stared at her. He watched, that badblood only watched her without saying a word for hours on end as she had been at first strung up with chains while her feet barely touching the floor. She hated his staring as it was like he was studying her, it made her spine tingle and her head begin to spin at her thoughts.

When she had awoken in the new camp she remembered just how she reacted to her body. She was in shock, she hoped it wasn't true and was freaking out. She felt like something wrong that nature made, a cross between two species. How could she go back to Earth? What would she be called by other people? Monster, abomination... and all this happened because she was a cure.

Her head was feeling dizzy as she tried to focus on something, she could only think about what could happen in her future. Kidnapped again, more scars maybe, not able to go home, an abomination, maybe she'd be the reason someone else in her life died. Hell maybe she'd die. Kyle. Just focus on Kyle. Her tingling fingers gripped the edges of the pod as she tried to remember being a kid with him. Going to his 12th Birthday where they had a water slide in his backyard, he was also in 12th grade when she went to that party and had gotten drunk.

What about how he helped her with her homework? He was able to help her, but he'd never be able to do homework now. That was her own doing. She messed up, she messed up so bad by going to that party. Her mother lost a child, she lost a brother, his girlfriend lost her boyfriend, his friends lost him, his school did, the world did. How wasn't it her? She screwed up and roped him into it, her fault, her fault. It was her fault was it not?

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