Chapter 2

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Catherine's POV

Everything is silent, pain is over her body. She cant move very well and slowly opens up her eyes. She is staring at a white roof and looks around spotting white walls as well. She attempts to sit up but feels an awful pain in her head, she groans and places her hand on her head. "ow." She groaned to herself and looks around the room again.

She moves white cloth off her body and finds herself in different clothing. It is a fur halter top just covering her breasts and a matching tan brown loincloth. She swings her legs to the edge of the bed and lays her feet on the ground. She tries to stand but immediately her legs give and she falls onto her hands and knees.

Catherine gives a yelp of pain she cannot move her legs they feel like bricks over her body. She hears a door slide open and jerks her head up seeing a huge creature. He stands about nine feet up and is very muscular. By the looks of it, he has rough or scaly skin, its light brown with darker areas. His hands have black sharp claws on them, the same thing is on his feet as well cause he isn't wearing shoes. He is wearing a loincloth similar to hers but is barechested so she can tell he's a male. His face though is what interests/disturbs her the most. His mouth has mandibles around it in four corners, behind them are razor-sharp teeth. He had darker brown spots on the cheeks of his face and has deep orange eyes that are staring right at her. He has a crested forehead with small spikes around it with a sharpish edge.

She scoots away as he approaches not saying anything for a second, "calm ooman." He says and she stares at him in shock, did he just speak English? He just spoke English right? No he couldn't have that thing can't speak English! He walks over to her and kneels down picking her up, "you don't need to do that." She snaps trying to seem at least a little intimidating but the humanoid only clicks it's mandibles then plops her on the bed narrowing his eyes.

She moves to the opposite side of the small bed, she is intensely freaked out by the thing in front of her but can't show any clear emotion at the moment. The creature sits down next to the bed and watches her silently. The only noise Catherine hears though is the drumming in her ears of her heart threatening to leave her chest of fear.

She doesn't notice but her breathing is also pretty quick, it's shallow and she can't seem to get enough air to her lungs to feel okay. The creature makes a purring noise as if it's trying to comfort her. She stares at it- no him at least that's what she's guessing.

He reaches forward putting his hand on his shoulder, "calm." He repeated what he said earlier except for saying the 'ooman' part. That also made her wonder what ooman meant, it sound an awful lot like human which made her think the two words possibly meant similar or the same thing. When his hand was on his shoulder he rubs small circles right on her shoulder blade with her shoulder.

Catherine though does end up calming down and gulps once he stops touching her and moves back. At first she's confused as to why but hears movement and another creature steps into the door. She can also tell it's a male, he's wearing similar clothing to the one next to her except the loincloth is a pale blue. Also he appears to be shorter and thinner then the other male, he's far less intimidating otherwise they look pretty similar.

He clicks a few things to the male next to her who growls then stands. He locks eyes with her for a few moments, she can't read what's in his eyes and he turns leaving the room. The new male comes to her and says, "greetings ooman." She once again is stunned by his English, it's even better then the other males pronunciation at her language. She can only nod and then tense up her body as he touches her arm. She realizes there was an IV there that must've came out when she stood up for she hadn't even felt it.

Immediately though she has an awful headache and groan rubbing her head. It almost burned inside her head and she sat up it hurt really bad. Catherine even forgot the male was in the room except when he injected a needle into her arm. She moved though causing him to almost cut her with it but he takes it out and glares at her while growling. "Stay still ooman, it numbs the pain temporarily." She looks at him, "so it's like a painkiller?" He looks up at her eyes not expecting her to speak at all then a confused expression crosses over his eyes. "Pain cannot be killed." He scoffed and makes her arm stay still by pressing down on it with his other hand.

"No, it's an expression we call them painkillers, it does what you said." She lightly explains and the male shakes his head in reply then put the needle into her skin. She bites her lip pretty hard then stops as he pulls the needle away she looks back. It was almost immediate but the headache left herself and she widened her eyes. Then the male made Catherine lay down forcefully, she doesn't want to but a sharp snarl from him makes her immediately go down. "Do not get up, your wounds are healing." He says.

"Wounds? What the hell happened to me last time I was awake?" Catherine immediately questions him. He sighs then shrugs, "I do not know what exactly happened to you. I only know you have a concussion and several of your ribs are bruised." She looks away when he explains and sighs, then another question comes into her mind. "Why am I here? I need to get home. How long have I been here for?" He doesn't respond and gets up.

"Stop! Why the hell am I here?! I was attacked in my fucking house!" Catherine yells and he snarls at her, she flinches but she sits up again glaring at him. "Tell me." She seriously says and he sighs. "You, ooman, are one pain in the ass." He growls then sits down sighing again more heavily. "You are here because my kind is dying. A disease per say and it's wiped out more than half of us." His voice turns to an unintended snarl while he speaks at the end. He takes a breath in then speaks again, "we needed a cure, you ooman are that cure." She stares at him not saying a word. At first she doesn't believe him and comes up with something to say but doesn't. In fact why would he lie? He seemed aggressive around the subject. She felt sick to her stomach and needs to look away anywhere, she needs to see or hear something to remind her of home.

She then feels a cool metal on her neck and looks down seeing her necklace. A smile crosses onto her lips while the ooman unclips the necklace from her neck bringing it in front of her. She can feel the aliens hard eyes but ignores it and opens the heart seeing her mother and brother. She runs the pad of her thumb over the photos feeling a little more at ease.

She though doesn't notice the male get up onto the sound of the door opening and closing alerts her. She grits her teeth and takes a sigh once he's gone. She swings her legs over the side again and place them on the floor. She takes the IV out of her arm and tries to get up. Before she can hit the ground from her legs giving out she uses the bed to keep her supported.

Limping, she makes her way to the wall leaning against it. Catherine takes in deep breaths and tries to stand alone. Her legs are shaking and she can tell she can barely support her own weight. It takes a couple of minutes to get to the door and when she does there is a silver button. She presses it and the door slides open, she gets a burst of intense hot air and peeks her head out into a hallway. The walls here are made of iron and the floor is also iron but a different tone of colour. There is no one in the hallway currently so she leaves hearing the door close behind her she only goes to the left and makes her way through the hallway. It takes a couple minutes, she passes a couple of rooms and comes to a large room. She sees several of those aliens and turn to leave but comes face to face with a different alien. 'Oh shit.'

Thank you already for 49 reads ☺️ it's good to know at least one person likes my story

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