Chapter 12

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"You said we could train!"

"Yes, but I didn't know we would be doin- AHH!" She ducked NightClaw's attack and glares at him harshly. "NightClaw!" She snapped with a little bit of a complaint stinging her voice.

NightClaw being the 'lovely' guy he is suggested they could train when they had nothing else to do. She had agreed but had no clue they were doing hand to hand. He was going wayy too hard on her because when he was going 'too easy' she complained and now he's like this.

It looked like he was going to come at her so Catherine jumped to the left trying to get a grip on herself. "Remember the training. Remember. The. Training." She reminded herself and went into position and takes a deep breath. He came at her so she twisted to the right and tried to elbow the back of his neck but missed. He grabbed her arm and was able to flip her over but tried to do it gently-ish so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Ughh" she mumbles and rubbed her head as he helps her up, looking amused. "Why did you do that?" She complains as she stares at him even though NightClaw still was finding this amusing.

He backed up a little bit and shrugs "I was just testing you on how you would fair. To be honest your fast so that's good." By now Catherine was glaring at him with deep daggers in her eyes but it seemed she was slightly relieved or amused herself now.

Catherine nodded nonetheless to him with agreement as she adjusted how the halter top hung on her. She currently was wearing an odd wire mesh that Yautja typically wore. It was able to keep them warm, it also was similar to armour and was strong but stretchy.

On top of that were long baggy pants, they were actually the most comfortable things ever. It seemed like she would be hot in them but NightClaw explained that even the skin of the animal it belonged to could make itself cold and warm at its will. So the Yautja scientists modified it to be either warm or cool. Then she was wearing a regular halter top and the pattern was like a clouded leopard.

She scratches her head then adjusted the ponytail she was wearing for the training. "Ok then what's our first step?"

Training was actually pretty fun, NightClaw was going easy enough for her to keep up with and she learned a lot. Mostly basic moves for punching and getting out of certain holds easily. She wasn't the best at it but didn't let it bother her very much as she knew she eventually would get slightly better.

Now they had arrived at the new planet where the Clan would be settling down. She was pretty excited because Paya had leaked her some images and it reminded her of the Himalayas on Earth. The two primary climates were the Himalayan area and an Amazon jungle which was filled with exotic plants and animals. The clan was living between the two so the hunters could go between them to get whatever game they wanted to.

'I hope Dachande lets me go out.' She thought to herself as she was coming back to her room on the ship. She needed to pack a bag of the clothes she was bringing because they would be shutting down most of the mothership to conserve the power. 'NightClaw's going to be very worrisome.' Catherine adds in her head with a sigh as she came to the door and put in the passcode.

She didn't pack much mainly because she didn't have much clothing options. She had changed into a dress that went down to her lower thighs. It wasn't fur but a very nice fabric made by a type of Yautja plant, it was a dress NightClaw and her bought when they were at the last planet. Catherine smoothed it out on her body seeing how she looks and sighs but shrugged afterwards.

To her she just didn't look like herself for whatever reason. Maybe her hair had just grown a bit longer or her skin was unusually clear of any acne because of the things the Yautja had in the washroom. 'That's not it.' She thinks to herself miserably then looks at a bare spot on her chest and sighs. Family.

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