Chapter 33

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As y'all see I decided not to edit my book. I think I need to be proud of what I write and be able to look back at my writing and (hopefully) see a good improvement! So hope you all enjoy :D


She stayed awake far into the night, consumed by her pointless thoughts. She grumbled and turned into her pillow, banging her head against the soft surface annoyingly.

Catherine muttered something unintelligible, flopping onto her back. She slowly sat up and rubbed her forehead when she realized there was no hot air in her room. She wrapped her arms around herself to potentially warm up, huffing as she pushed herself out of bed.

She stumbled to a screen next to the sliding door and tried to adjust the temperature. Of course, it didn't work. Maybe I need a bath... Catherine thought as she headed to the ensuite bathroom.

A shiver passed through her when her feet met the cold tile, she flicked a light on. Something stopped her from stepping in further.

"Who the-?!" Catherine had just recently, began to hide a dagger under her bed since she returned. She had been apprehensive that someone may try and attack or take her in the night. For her own protection and all. She retrieved said dagger, returning to the doorway to see the figure in the centre of the bathroom was gone.

She ground her teeth together frustratingly. It was just her head. She had been nervous around here since she got back yet her mind hadn't tricked her with illusions like this though.

Catherine went to the bathtub in the centre of the room, a large circular tub. A screen was on the side and she began to type in some settings. She paused slightly, she bit her lip as she tried to look at her peripheral vision.

Okay you got this. One. Two. T-

"I remember you having shorter hair, you've been growing it out since we last conversed?"

The call was so close to her, she vaguely remembered it. A strange voice that she had heard uttered to her once. She looked behind her and standing next to her doorframe was a Yautja.

He had large shoulders, larger the NightClaw's, maybe Dachande's. His face shape was rather sharp and angular, horns that jutted out at the crest of his head were just as pointed. He had eerie dark bronze eyes, She noticed his dreadlocks reached his shoulders and that they weren't in braids, just a mess of black hair.

"Who are you?" She demanded, staring at the Yautja. He made a mock face of offence.

"You don't remember me? I mean, it has been months and months.. and I've heard a lot has transpired in Elder Dachande's clan since then."

Catherine tried to think back, perhaps back to when she first arrived in the clan? She was terrified and met some Yautja she hasn't seen since though no conversations stood out. Think think think. There was the battle where the Elder almost had her, where Dachande sliced his body down the middle. That was clear in her mind now. The horrifying slice and how his body just slid into two, so effortlessly.

Then they arrived at that planet where she and NightClaw had walked around that marketplace. She had gotten some items then that night... she stared at the Yautja. It was him she met that night.

"You told me that the Yautja enslaved humans... that I wasn't human." She murmured. And his face wasn't any bit surprised which confirmed her suspicions.

He nodded, "allow me to introduce myself. My names Ai'stei-A, leader of the Vor-mek'taun Kaiz." He bows his head, as if in respect to her. "I would've preferred to have done this elsewhere but time has been of the essence."

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