Chapter 26

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Catherine's POV

She could hear the badbloods, they were pissed that she had disappeared. Though it didn't stop her from running into the night, the forest barely being illuminated by the moon. Catherine knew she soon would be able to see nothing and needed to hide herself, she looked around as she came to a stop.

There was no way to show where she was, nothing! She let out an aggravated sigh and rubbed her head though internally knew she couldn't stop now. Just then she could feel water drip on her, it was raining. "Well that's fantastic." She muttered as within seconds it started to pour, she could feel her hair start to get wet.

Then as more growling was heard she burst into another run, knowing she'd run out of breath soon. She ran for as long as she could, until it felt as though her lungs would burst and her heart would explode.

Catherine stopped as she leaned against a tree, breathing in ragged breaths as she tried to regain herself. Her chest constricted and hurt as she crouched down, putting her hand on her chest feeling how fast her heard was. The only thing she could see was nearby a small cave, shrouded in darkness but it was somewhere to hide thank god.

As the growling came close by she ran to the cave and without thinking ran inside. She sat down instinctually on the ground and hid behind a ledge, shutting her eyes as she held her breath. Her hair was soaked and so were the clothes she was wearing, she felt absolutely frozen.

Suddenly she stopped, there was growling to the left of her further into the cave. Her blood ran cold, it felt like everything stopped. Catherine didn't move a muscle as she pressed herself hard against the wall, she didn't want to see what was there.

Though the growling turned to a purr like sound she knew instantly that it wasn't a Yautja which only freaked her out more. She very slowly turned her head and froze up seeing a large dog like thing staring at her. Even though it appeared large she could tell it was young, it only stared at her with large golden eyes.

Catherine tried to calm her breathing as she stared at the creature, she was terrified it would kill her at any moment. She'd then watch it crawl towards her, at that time she could see more details about it. The creature had black skin with dark red undertones, and large spikes came from its spine and head.

She staid perfectly still as it approached, it made a soft bark like noise and sniffed her neck. Why wasn't it killing her? What could possibly make this alien different from any of the other ones on this planet?! It would draw back and stare at her, Catherine cautiously turned her head in its direction, she titled her head.

It also tilted its head, staring at her without blinking or moving a muscle. She let out a frightened sigh as the creature stepped back and laid down at the back of the cave, she could barely see the outline of its shape from how dark it was. Catherine sat up against the wall, unable to will herself anywhere near rest. She tucked her arms around her shivering body as she desperately tried to get warm, trying to ignore the very heavy rain and the occasional roar of thunder coming from outside.

Time Skip

She must've dozed off, she didn't even realize she had done so. Carefully she looked around the now empty den, it seemed to be early morning and thankfully it wasn't raining. She could feel still how cold she was and rubbed her arms, crawling out of the cave and into the forest.

As she came to her feet she could feel a dizzy feeling wash over her body, she went to her knee feeling her head begin to spin. Catherine blinked her eyes, seeing blackness cloud over them though she was fully conscious. She knew at that time she was experiencing symptoms of not getting the amount of food her body was used to. The Yautja for the past six days had given her one meal a day, two if she was lucky.

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