Chapter 10

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Catherine's POV

The plan was pretty simple, the door was supposed to be guarded during the night. Though she could sneak out because of her smaller size and being very quiet. Yautja had excellent hearing so she would have to be very calm and soften her breathing/heartbeat.

She was outside the hallway near the hanger watching the Yautja there. Only one was there so she quietly entered the hanger, making sure she was making virtually no noise.

Catherine waited for a little bit until he pressed a button on the pad and clicked his mandibles. Another Yautja came into the hanger with Catherine hidden on the edge of one of the walls. She wasn't visible by either as they approached each other and talked for a little bit.

While they were she was able to sneak out into the sand and jogged to the street. Some Yautja were still out but otherwise the area was entirely deserted, eerily quiet. She approached the alley near where she first encountered the male and walked in it taking a deep breath.

"I didn't expect you'd come." A familiar voice said as she saw the Yautja from before approach, crossing his arms. She took in another breath "what did you mean by 'what I am?'" She first questioned. She was absolutely not wanting to talk about anything else.

He approached her "Yautja and humans have quite the history, it doesn't go back too long but a little before you would've been born." She narrowed her eyes silently asking him to go on.

The Yautja continued "they came to Earth originally going to demolish it for a new hunting planet but the humans and us came to an agreement. The Yautja could come and take females with them of their choosing and take her to Prime. That female would be their personal.... slave. Though no female could bear a pup or the child and mother would be killed immediately. Seemed your mother got away before you and her were killed."

Catherine was speechless, Yautja took females? As their own personal slaves?! That meant her mother was a slave, which meant she got pregnant and escaped to earth. Which meant...

Her father was a Yautja.

But no, how could anyone prove that? Other then her mother alone or her possible father.

"That's impossible. My father was in the military." She says in an arrogant tone taking a moment to remember her 'father'. Her mother told her he was sent to Afghanistan before she was born and had died protecting people. But there was a small possibility that the story was a lie, to cover up her fathers true identity.

That Yautja seemed to twist his mandibles in a way to present that he was smirking, amused at what she said. "Any Yautja can tell your blood is of our kind. Your scent reeks of it, strong enough it would mean it would've had to have been a parent."

She was now truly lost of all words or reactions. Her mind was having a lot of trouble processing this to be true it was too.... impossible! Catherine though had the feeling he was telling the truth what was the reason to lie? Perhaps to toy with her? But she didn't see in how she was stressing about it could be amusing.

"That.. can't- be real." She stuttered slightly running one of her hands through her hair while she had her jaw clenched. 'For gods sake why can't this all be a dream.' She dreadfully thought to herself.

The Yautja rolls his eyes which were a deep set amber and uncrosses his arms. "Yeah well little ooman it is, live with it." He growls with annoyance entering his voice steadily now. "You should go now, most males would take advantage of you."

He went to leave then pauses slightly "just so you know." Catherine lets out a breath and glances at the ground for a couple seconds. When she looks back up the Yautja is gone leaving her alone in the area.

This chap is more like a filler (of valuable information!)

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