Chapter 16

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Hope you enjoy this longer-then-normal chapter!

Catherine's POV

She looks up from the large hole she was now trapped in. Catherine tried to jump up, gripping the wall but slipped back down. Barking had begun to grow closer as she looked around the area for something she could use but came up with nothing.

She was about to yell out but decided against it and shakes her head muttering something under a sigh she let out. The barking was now closer then ever as she jumped up the wall again and was able to grip a root sticking from the wall.

"Come on.." she grumbled pulling her arm up suddenly realizing the barking had abruptly stopped. Her jaw tightened as she was able to pull herself mostly up. The first thing she saw was the body of the dog thing, with several large slashes in its back and neck.

It occasionally twitched which made her hope it was a reflex as she was able to get on all even ground. 'Yautja. Wait where's the Yautja?!' She looked around instantly not seeing it and jogs in another direction.

She hears some noises from someone from where she was from and snapped her head back hearing a voice. "Catherine?" Her breath caught in her throat as she saw NightClaw of all Yautja coming from the bushes. His katana was glinting with green blood making her remember the dog thing from before. "Catherine thank the stars your ok." He heaved a sigh of heavy relief and came over to her as he disarmed his katana.

When he was close enough she couldn't hold herself back and hugged him, he probably wasn't expected it. For a few seconds he didn't do anything- making it a little awkward but slowly put his arms around her with a purr. Eventually she pulls away, looking up at the much taller and larger Yautja then her.

She could tell he was now scanning her several times, finding exactly what was wrong with her. He then looked her over seeing the bandage on her stomach and touched it with his hand. "How are you.... bandaged?" He sounded confused as he looked down and saw her leg. "What happened to your leg??" He scanned it with his wrist gauntlet and looked at whatever it showed him.

NightClaw makes her sit down on the ground, crouching down beside her. "I just need to check on your leg." He explained taking the bandage off, revealing it had a dark purple and yellowish bruise on it. Catherine bit her inner cheek as she looked at what had happened.

He tilted his head then lifted her leg up and moved it in certain positions. Like she had noticed before, she felt and heard a click every time. NightClaw frowned at that and put a better bandage on from his med kit and fastened it on. When he was done NightClaw picked her up without warning.

"N-NightClaw it's fine I can walk." She instantly said feeling her cheeks light up, moving a little bit but he wouldn't let go. He looked down at her and shook his head.

"Let me tell you something about myself. I won't be letting you walk back to the mothership after I just found you after you went missing. Not a chance." There was a serious tone in his voice but it was overlaying concern and a bit of humour making her smile slightly. She knew she wouldn't win in making him let her down but she did kind of like him doing that.

NightClaw's POV

He had been searching for Catherine when barking caught him off guard, hellhounds. The bark of such a ruthless animal was very easily distinguishable. NightClaw arms his katana going forward and sees a bloodhound walking towards something, growling and loudly barking.

NightClaw glares at the beast and climbs up a tree, jumping at it and stabbing his katana straight through its spinal cord. The bloodhound immediately fell to the ground in a lifeless heap and he pulls his katana out and backed up.

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