Chapter 5

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Wait wait wait. 200 reads?! Wait I actually never thought people would like my story. But then there are comments like 'update!' Or how they love this story. Like seriously you guys make me want to write this story so much more!! And yes I know I didn't update on the same day but I was exhausted and didn't lol.

Italics- different language

The doors opened which showed a lot more Yautja, it overwhelmed Catherine a lot. She stayed behind NightClaw as they both moved through the crowds, once they came into a less crowded room he turned to her. "This is where a lot of the Yautja converse. There are more rooms down here for them to stay in, there is also a room for any social gatherings. Tonight, we are celebrating the new Elite's."

Catherine narrows her eyes; "what are elites?" NightClaw points to a male in the room, he was talking with some others. He had a very large skull next to him, "ones that kill a xenomorph Queen. He did his kill last night and we picked him up from the planet he went to, he's a very honourable kv'var-de." She looks at him confused, "kevar- what?" He chuckles, "Hunter, I'm not amazing at speaking your language." She nods taking another glance at the male then follows NightClaw as he begins to walk away.

"Over here we have our kehrite- I mean training hall, the youngbloods are currently training." He says as they both enter a large circle shaped room. On the walls are many different silver weapons and skulls of prey, Catherine can see different engravings in the walls too. She sees several Yautja sparring against one another wearing netting and light armour. She could see they were all male well, all the ones she could see.

Though she did see one female, she was watching the fights circling two to the males. She was saying things to them, "whose that female?" Catherine asks and NightClaw clicks his mandibles. "She is named Elder Lar'ja, one of the ones whom rules this clan." At the mention of her name the tall female Yautja snapped her head in NightClaw's and Catherine's direction. She spoke something else to one of the males flicking his shoulder then walked over to the two. Lar'ja though was even taller then Paya she looked about taller then 9 feet. That freaked the hell out of Catherine who was only 5'6.

"NightClaw it's been a long time since I've seen you." Lar'ja purrs in her language as she puts her hand on his shoulder and shakes it. The male clicks his mandibles while he responds to her, "too long mei-jadhi, too long." Catherine didn't know what they were saying but she could pick out that Lar'ja had said 'NightClaw', and that's about it. The two continued a small conversation though when NightClaw said 'Catherine' in his tongue she looked up at the two.

Lar'ja looks down at Catherine and kneels down a little and puts her hand on her shoulder shaking it as well. "Catherine, yes?" She nods her head, Lar'ja seemed to have a thick accent with her voice. She didn't know what accent it was but it was quite odd but cool at the same time. "My name is Lar'ja I see NightClaw has been showing you the Mothership" she says giving NightClaw a look he clicks his mandibles. "Yes I have Lar'ja and I am still showing her" he grunts crossing his arms to try and seem... intimidating? Catherine wasn't sure. Lar'ja rapidly clicks her mandibles, "don't try to seem so tough Night I'm just interested."

She clicks something to NightClaw in which he opens his mouth like shocked, and bites back a retort. After a little bit of them seeming the argue over something Lar'ja looks at Catherine, "he's my little brother." It looks like she was grinning, the best grin a Yautja could muster. She smiles as NightClaw sighs, "ok ok Lar, you have youngbloods to go and train." She nods standing back up straight and walks back to the 'youngbloods' it looked like she was scolding them.

"What are youngbloods?" Catherine asks turning back to NightClaw. "Ones who haven't made an honourable kill yet." He explains then says, "come on I have a lot to show you still." The two then continued off away from the training hall. Then they stumbled onto another room it was the room where they held Social Events. Catherine could see some Yautja setting up some tables and chairs they didn't look like regular table or chairs but they were alien stuff. They didn't stay long because they still needed to see a few things.

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