Chapter 29

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Yautja language: bolded

NightClaw's POV

He stared at the female yautja astonished as he saw Dachande's clan symbol, burned into her forehead. Who is this? Just then something made the yautja gape from his mask, a very familiar face was next to that female yautja.

"Bakuub?" Why was he here and standing amongst these badbloods? The yautja straightens as NightClaw said his name but said nothing, the female leader chuckled. "I bet neither of you recognize me, my names Heida."

She'd put her hand on Bakuub's shoulder, "and this is my son." Both NightClaw and Kral were stunned, Bakuub's mother is a badblood? No that can't be true! As a sucker NightClaw didn't remember much about Bakuub's family, he was closer to Cetanu and Bhu'ja as a sucker. "Don't act so stunned, but I can't say I'm surprised you are. Dachande certainly can be a convincing yautja at times."

NightClaw was still confused as his blue eyes hardened, how could Bakuub do this to his birth clan though? Leave them for this group of traitors? His eyes moved over the group, they were ready to attack, waiting for their leaders word to do so. He would glance at Kral and could see hear him clicking his mandibles from in his mask, he knew what he was doing.

In some yautja masks there were built in emergency buttons. When pressed, they'd send messages back to the clan and emit a frequency that would send their direct location. Hopefully his clan would receive this message and come to the both of them. Then, suddenly, there was a loud snarl and something split through the air and into the back of Kral's leg. He would roar out, though before he could do anything one of the badbloods punched Kral's stomach and another held him back as he roared again.

NightClaw charged forward grabbing his katana but was stopped by a yautja having his wrist blades intercept it. He snarled angrily, kicking that yautja but another one from behold kicked the back of his legs and yanked his dreadlocks forcing him down. He punched the yautja in front of him whilst the one behind him punched his face, forcing his mask off.

Despite his best efforts to fight the yautja off, he was held back while on his knees. He snarled once more, his eyes flashing with unimaginable anger as he head butted the one in front of him. Though the yautja behind NightClaw thrusted a blade right into his right thigh. He roared out, his arms thrashing but stopped as he saw the female yautja with a blade right at Kral's throat.

"If you try and fight, I'll kill your friend over here. Then I'll kill your clan members and let you watch." She slowly growls, watching as NightClaw stopped moving though glared straight at her. The female retracts the blade, and looked at another yautja, saying something he couldn't hear.

She looks back at him her mandibles clicking, "well you clearly don't know what Dachande did. All he wants is to follow the yautja's code, yet he'll bend it for yautja he cannot loose." He narrowed his eyes, what was Heida talking about? She smirked in the way a yautja would as she could see how his eyes narrowed. "Did you know that Bakuub had a sister? Did you know what happened to her?"

'What's she talking about?' NightClaw wondered as his eyes flicked to Bakuub who stood next to her. He seemed clearly bothered by the subject though did nothing but watch NightClaw. "My daughter was killed by one of the commanders in your clan, he tried to mate with her, she objected. He killed her after she resisted, so what does a mother do? I killed that yautja, and Dachande banished me from the clan, I didn't even get to say goodbye to my son."

Heida growled at the end, glancing downward at Bakuub then back at NightClaw. He was speechless, he would've thought a badblood like this would have killed others in cold blood. Though if she was telling the truth Dachande certainly made the wrong call on this, though perhaps she's lying. He would have to ask his Elder about this later on, when his life isn't being threatened.

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