Chapter 28

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This may be a filler, but it's an important filler so read it!

??? POV

One Yautja said on the edge of her bed, clawed hand clasped around a metal cup. Inside was a thick, swirling gold liquid called c'ntlip, a common yet intoxicating Yautja beverage. She looked down at the cup, her hand moving in a pivoting motion as the liquid lapped at the sides.

She wasn't alone in the room, a small Yautja was also there. Looking at her with wide yellow eyes, his long dreadlocks draped down his shoulders. He was her son, her youngest child, helpless to watch his mother drown her sorrows in a drink.

He slowly would walk over to her, placing one small hand on her knee and looks at her, clicking his mandibles. "Mother?" She wouldn't look at him and downed some more of the liquid, her lips parting in a sigh as she thought.

The small Yautja made a louder click and pushed against her leg, he was no doubt trying to get her attention. She paused then slowly looked at the child that stared up at her with wide, beady eyes.

"Please mother, put your drink down for just today." He practically begged as he shook her leg again, he was unable to get onto the bed so this was what he could do to get her attention. She would hesitate then exhale, putting the stupid drink down on the stand next to them. The female reached down and picked the child up, setting him on her lap.

She knew what an awful mother she had become over the past few weeks, she couldn't help it though. She didn't know how to release her emotions well, her parents drowned it in c'ntlip, could she not as well? Her reasons for doing this though were quite clear, a mother mourns horribly at the death of her child. The end to such an innocent and beautiful life, brought on because she didn't share the same lust as another male.

Dachande said that Vathria suddenly attempted to kill Aith-Thou'dui, him killing her was an act of defensive measures. She knew it wasn't true, her daughter wouldn't harm a fly. In fact, she was training to help Yautja and learnt under the leading medic Bane. It was her and her best friend Gwan who trained with one another for this position, both were extremely talented.

Vathria wasn't a mean Yautja, she was adoring and innocent. Along with that she was naive and didn't realize how much some males wanted her, her mother could always see how much Aith wanted her as his. The last time she ever saw her child breathing was when she was brought into the medical bay, heart rate so low it threatened to quit.

'I could remember standing right next to her, my hand clasped in hers. Even if she was an attempted killer, she was my child, I would never give up on her.' At her last moments after surgery to save her life, Vathria had woken up from her slumber, looking at her mother. Her words still echoed in her mothers mind, "he took me." She said in a wretched and cracked voice. She couldn't forget the look in her child's eyes, a mix of complete fear and pain, of what had happened to her.

Those were the last words she said to her mother, trying to tell her who had taken her without her wanting it. In some cultures this was unacceptable, others it was encouraged, here it wasn't allowed. Then how could a commander get away with raping a child then killing her? Simply because Dachande bends the rules for Yautja he doesn't want to loose.
Sadly, she was a child. Almost reaching adulthood, almost achieving the position of a healer. It all was taken away too soon, much to soon.

Yet if anyone else breaks a code, Paya help them as Elder Dachande releases his wrath. It angered her how much he was in denial to the truth, her daughter deserved justice, not lies about her. She looks at her son, he mirrored his sister completely, yet their personalities varied. Well they could be twins if it wasn't for their large age gap, they even both had yellow died dreadlocks.

They both got them at the same time, Bakuub was so incredibly close to his sister, he never wanted to leave her side. She smiled fondly at the memories, pulling her child into her chest and releasing a purr to comfort him. She knew what she was going to do, revenge was in order. Aith needed justice, for her, justice was death. So that's what she'd do, none of her mind thought this wouldn't be justice. "Everything will be alright Bakuub, mummy just needs to do something." She nuzzled her child and pulled away, running her clawed hand through his dreads.

"I love you so much Straight Spear, your a brave Yautja. You'll become so strong and do the right for your clan. Just keep this in your head, Dachande will bend the rules for those he doesn't want to loose." She softly said, using the translation of his name to address him, and placed her child down, he clicked. "Promise you will come back mother?" He asked as she kneeled to his level, he put his pinky finger out.

She chuckled and latched her pink onto his and shook it, "I promise I'll come back one day Bakuub."

So here's some backstory on Bakuub! I hope you guys enjoyed, this is just a filler whilst I'm writing the huge fight scene. So make sure to be on the lookout for it ;)

I love all of you so much and I'll see you next time!


C'ntlip: intoxicating Yautja beverage
Dachande: Broken Tusk, a Yautja name
Vathria: Gentle Snow, a Yautja name
Aith-Thou'dui: Malevolent Punisher, a Yautja name
Gwan: A yautja name
Paya: conquering warrior, term of respect. Can also be a Yautja name

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