Chapter 21 - Filler -

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This is a filler chapter! The sole purpose is for it to be short.

Bolded = Yautja language

3rd POV

"I told you, we need to be careful about this. She's guarded by Yautja we can't just burst into there hoping we win."

"Then what should we do huh?"

The first one who talked growled. "There's someone we can take to get her to come." The voice threw a disk like thing down which showed a holographic image of a female Yautja. "Her names Paya, she's a blooded hunter. She usually does solitary hunts that go on a span for weeks at a time. If she goes missing at least for a few days the clan will think she's on a hunting mission. That's our opportunity."

The Yautja's in the wood based room, nodded with the plan the first had suggested. Yet a few still seemed on edge about the plan he had suggested. "And why should we trust you? Your from that clan you could easily warn them of our plans with the cure." One of the Yautja suspiciously stated.

After his voice was a low growl from a female whom was in the room, her whole body was badly scarred as was her armour. Most noticeable, was the badblood symbol that was burned into her stomach from countless years ago. "My son is trustworthy for this. He hates the clans as much as all of you do, now, get everything ready and stop wasting my time." The female snarled at the end, pointing at the door as the others filed out. Leaving her and her 'son' behind.

"I won't fail you mother." The Yautja says as she looks his way, her mandibles clicking a few times. "I know you won't young one, now go and help them." The male nods and turned sharply, leaving the hut and into the dense forested area.

Because I'm not sure what to write I did a quick filler! Enjoy!

Also whom do you think this Yautja who's from the clan may be? I'd like to hear your thoughts!

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