Chapter 47

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Kayla's POV

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Kayla's POV

"Whats going on Magnus?" I asked him now worried. He goes on to explain everything, I am now upset with him.

"Please tell me you didn't know any of this." he questions.

"No this is the first time I am hearing about this myself, but I will get to the bottom of it. " I tell him. I say bye to him and make my way to Alec's office. I found him on his tablet. I knock.

"Please don't say you've been waiting for me all this time." he smiled.

"Nope just wanted to see you." I tell him.

"Is everything okay?" he asked me.

"You tell me Alec, From the day I met you, the one thing I knew I can count of from you is your honesty, You have never lied to me. So imagine my reaction when Magnus feels the need to portal to the institute to talk to me and I find everything out from him." I said crossing my arms, making him stand up.

" I can explain." He said.

"You knew about the sword?" I asked him.

"I just found out, I swear."he says.

"When? when did you find out Alec? Tonight when I talked about trust, did you know then?" I asked him.

"I did. Look, I was worried that if the down world found out there'd be widespread panic. It could've led to rebellion." Alec explained.

"And you didn't trust me to stay quiet?" I asked him.

"I didn't say that I didn't want to ask you to have to keep a secret from Magnus or Luke or Simon, That wouldn't be fair to you."He explained.

"My entire life hasn't been fair Alec, I don't need to be protected I've done fine on my own. You know Magnus said you were just like the clave making promises you can't keep, and I wanted to so badly defend you, but I couldn't. Valentine wants all the downworlders dead, and if they die Alec theres a chance I can die too." I shout at him.

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"Oh you didn't know, heh why would you, we barely talk anymore. As a guardian my job is to protect the downworlders, Magnus has been researching it, if there are no downworlders then there is no need for me, so we don't know if that means I lose apart of myself or I just die all together." I said to him


"Alec dont, everyone always treats me like I'm some fragile little girl, but you were one of the only ones who treated me normal, and now you don't even trust me to keep a secret, if you don't trust me then why are we married Alec, I love you so much but if you can't trust me with something like this then why are we together. " I said with tears in my eyes

"You straight up lied to me Alec, I need some time, like I said I love you but your decision making sucks." I said running out of the room and out of the institute. I just needed to clear my head so I walked around the area for a bit, I ended up sitting on a little bench and just thinking. I grabbed ahold of the locket around my neck that Lydia gave me the day Alec and I got married. I can't believe him right now.

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