6 || Tethered to You

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Wish I could bite my tongue without tasting the blood
Of your broken heart my love


It was a sensation akin to being dropped into the deep, cold depths of La Push with excruciating waves rolling her around in its grasp like she were dough attached to a rolling pin. Her stomach churned uncomfortably with each swell - her lungs begging to breathe from this suffocating darkness beginning to eat away at the edges of her vision. 

With a sharp intake of air, Mirabelle shot up in a unfamiliar bed, groaning from the sudden movement that brought on another wave of headaches. Her eyes surveyed her new surroundings carefully. White walls, white ceilings, white curtains...the overpowering scent of hand sanitizer.

'Hospital.' She deducted, relaxing on the gurney she had been sleeping on for who knows how long. She wasn't being pinned with needles so she figured she must've been okay. Her brain started to go through the last events before she was knocked out. 'I came out of school with Bella...was at car...thinking about cheese burrito for dinner...then....a car? Yeah...Tyler's van was barreling towards us. Then...'

"Mira...Mirabelle, open your eyes, darling."

The girl sprung up like a switch. She mentally slapped herself for her stupidity. Her hand grasped her rattling brain, trying to calmly assess what had happened to her. 'Jasper stopped the car...with his bare freaking hand!' She scrambled to get untangled from the sheets that had been thrown over her.

Just then, Doctor Carlisle and Charlie Swan moved the curtains to find the young teen hopping around on one foot with her hands trying to skillfully fix her worn out converses on her feet. She froze comically. "Haha...Hey, Dad." 

The Chief sighed heavily. "Why was I even worried," he asked himself, internally relieved to find his youngest still full of energy. Doctor Carlisle walked over with the same kind smile he offered to every patient.

"Hello, Ms. Swan. I'm Doctor Carlisle. Are you off somewhere?"

"Uh yeah...I wanted to check on Bella..." Mirabelle didn't know why she didn't mention Jasper saving her, but there was a part of her that told her it was better not to. "Bella's fine," he reassured. "You saved her from being hit by that truck. Which is why I want to do a quick assessment."

She was going to grateful turn down his offer but was spoken for by Charlie. "Mira...please." She couldn't deny her father's pleading tone. Begrudgingly, she sat back on the edge of the bed to let Doctor Carlisle begin his series of tests. "Look here, please." He started to shine a light on Mirabelle's eyes.

"Do you feel faint or dizzy?"

"I have a migraine worse than that time I accidentally drank a shot of tequila."

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