Chapter 8

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HEY GUYS!! So, as you can tell by the new title, I have entered this book into the Watty Awards. What that means? It's going to need your support more then ever. So if you like it, all i seriously ask is that you reach over with your mouse and click 'Vote'.  Plus, if you don't mind, Comment lots. they help but if you don't have the time, i understand!!


Chapter 8

Mallory’s POV

                Everyone has those moments; the moments when time just seems to freeze. It’s that moment when you are incapable of thinking correctly. Your muscles lock down and you become immobile. People with great phobias know what I’m talking about. It’s when you’re presented with your greatest fear and your body give’s up on you. Your senses shut down, sounds disappear and talking is out of the question. There, now you know how I felt presented before Damien.

                My eyes widened incredibly so and my mouth dried at the same time. I felt everything inside of me freeze, held still by the invisible force known as fear… or you could call it self-preservation. I tried to look away, I really did, but his dark gaze held mine. Inside, I was scrambling for something smart to say. But what could I say to calm him in this situation? ‘Oh that? It’s nothing; just some creep in the woods that bit me.’ Yeah, no thank you. I couldn’t lie to him; he’d be able to tell. My brain literally had gone blank. Well, it wasn’t as if it had been that helpful lately.

                “Uh, I… oh, um that… I-I…” so I stood there stuttering like an idiot. You try coming up with a reasonable answer with a huge, intimidating, sexy and angry werewolf-Alpha werewolf, may I point out-leering over you. It isn’t exactly easy. My body finally realized that it would be easier to think with some much needed space. My legs unlocked and I was able to stumble back a few steps; like that did any good. He stalked after me, forcing me back even more until my back pressed up against the wall. I leaned into it, lifting my ankle some to relieve pressure.

                “Who…is…Tyler?” he growled out again, seeming to be having difficulty speaking. He placed his hands besides my head and leaned down until our noses touched. Okay… that wasn’t helping. To my surprise, I noticed some gold in his pitch black eyes; well that was new. His hands clenched against the wall as he grew impatient. “Mallory!” he snarled in warning.

                “I don’t know!” I squeaked out, finally finding my voice.

                “Don’t lie to me!” he shouted. His arm pulled back and snapped forwards. I shrieked and pressed up against his other arm as his fist contacted with the wall, creating a gaping hole.

                “I-I’m not lying! I promise Damien.” I shouted out; afraid I would be his next punching bag. “I didn’t see his face, I swear! H-he just came up behind me and… and…” I choked, unable to finish. He grabbed my face, forcing me to meet his dark eyes. He searched my eyes, looking for any lies to my words. His eyes were narrowed, making me feel as if I had done something wrong. A moment later, he turned my face to the side and brought his face closer to my exposed neck. I trembled at the close proximity. Knock it off, Mallory; so not the time.

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