Chapter 11

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NEW CHAPPY!! Sorry for the wait, my computer decided that working properly was uncool. I would say 'Curse electronics!' but then i would jinx myself, so I'll just think it. ;D Anywhose...


Chapter 11


“Really?” I asked with an unnaturally high voice.

“Yes, really,” Damien returned, smiling down at me. Almost robotically, my gaze flickered to the tramp and back to him. His smile slipped as he waited for my reaction, looking unsure for the first time.

 Out of nowhere, I let out a crazed scream and jumped at him, wrapping my arms and legs around him in a huge hug, being careful of my ankle.

He stumbled lightly in surprise, but his grin reappeared as he twisted his arms around me. As I clung to him, he let out an amused chuckle, and reluctantly pulled back to meet my eyes. “I’m guessing that means you like it?” He inquired.

I nodded jerkily while smiling like a crazy person. He smirked, placing me on the edge of the trampoline. “Well, good.” He cooed, brushing a piece of hair from my face.

I’ll admit I had started worrying at the mention of a date with Damien; I just didn’t picture him as the romantic type. Without waiting for my approval he had led me outside. A victorious cry had almost left my lips at the fresh air, but I settled for a contended sigh.

He had covered my eyes-much to my agitation-and guided me outside. He whispered “Surprise” in my ear as he removed his hands and that brought us to the present point.

The huge trampoline in the back, covered in thick looking blankets and a picnic basket perched on top. You can tell by my reaction how I felt about this.

I gave him a small smile as he smirked at me and pushed away, rolling onto my knees on the tramp. “So, what’s this for?” I asked, swinging the picnic basket lightly in my hand. He hoisted himself onto the trampoline, causing us to bounce slightly as he sat in front of me.

“Wouldn’t be much of a date if there wasn’t food,” he stated, taking the basket away. I nodded and smiled slightly.

“This is certainly… interesting.” I said bluntly, lightly poking at the trampoline to get my point across as he started pulling out containers of food. He looked up through his lashes to smirk at me, making my body heat up. I took a deep breath and waited for his reply.

“I’m an interesting guy,” he finally admitted, leaning back. “I figured not many would choose the trampoline to have a date on.”

“That’s the truth,” I muttered.

“I knew you’d like it though,” he mused. I raised an eyebrow.

“And what made you think that?” I wondered. The side of his mouth twitched, and he shook his head.

“You’re not like other girls,” he said simply, shrugging. “And that’s a compliment.” He added, seeing my face.

“I don’t see anything wrong with having a date on the trampoline.” I told him truthfully. It was sweet and kind of romantic. It also brought out the more childish side of me; something that rarely came out of hiding.

“Exactly,” he pointed out, giving me a small smile before returning to his task of arranging the food.

“Did you make all of this?” I asked in astonishment.

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