Chapter 17

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HEY!!! So, I know i said the next update would be on the 23 but... I started writing and just couldn't stop. That's good, right?

Anyways, you guys didn't quite meet my goal for that last chap... I kinda sad :,( BUT i'm hoping since i updated sooner this time i'll get more activity...?


BTW; if you've read my other book 'Uniquely Hidden' I posted chapter 17 of that so.. check it out!


Chapter 17


"Uno!" I screamed victoriously, throwing my hands up in the air. With a scowl, Kyle slapped his cards down on the table and proceeded to pout. Folding his arms and jutting out his lower lip, if it wasn't for his height and manly features, I would've easily been able to confuse him with a little boy.

"Aww," I cooed, pinching his cheek. "If it makes you feel any better, that was the first time I've ever won." I admitted, shrugging. He scowl intensified.

Guess that didn't make him feel any better.

"You cheated," he accused, sniffling. I gaped at him, wondering if he was serious.

"Did not!" I countered, sounding just as childish as him.

"Did to!" He argued, standing up quickly from his seat. Oh, so he wanted to go there?

"I did not!" I insisted, also standing. "How the hell do you cheat in uno?" I wondered, throwing my hands up; in agitation this time.

"I don't know! But your smart, you obviously figured it out." He muttered at the end. I felt complimented that he thought of me as smart but was still completely stunned by his other words.

"Yes Kyle," I reached across the small coffee table separating us, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I am smart, but not that smart." I said, speaking as bluntly as possible. I was fighting of the urge to smirk as he stared at me with wide eyes. It was as if he was hanging off every word I said. After a moment, he sighed and pulled back.

"You still cheated," he muttered under his breath as he shuffled towards the door. Rolling my eyes, I quickly followed after.

"Where are you going?" I inquired as I followed him to the door.

"WE'RE going out for a walk." he told me as he opened to door and continued on. I stared blankly at his back for a moment, surprised.

"Seriously?" I asked finally, jogging to catch up to him. His head turned to face me, a smirk lifting his lips.

"Seriously. If it wasn't for Luke, we'd be taking walks every day." he informed me, shrugging. That sentence had reminded me of the fact that Luke hadn't shown up for my 'guard duty' that morning.

"Where is Luke anyways?" I asked, looking around as if he would suddenly appear at the sound of his name. He shrugged, seeming un affected by the fact that he didn't know where his twin was currently hiding. "When was that last time you saw him?" I continued.

"Hmm..." he hummed just as we reached the front door. I was surprised by the fact that we hadn't ran into or seen anyone else from the pack. I shrugged it off; people got busy sometimes.

"Last night?" he finally answered, although it sounded more like a question.

"Such a horrible memory," I tittered teasingly. His glare was just as mocking and I giggled lightly.

"Are you sure Damien will be okay with this?" I wondered as we stepped outside. He snorted and rolled his eyes.

"My job is to protect you, not bore you to death." I blinked at the amount of brain work that must have gone behind that sentence; maybe he wasn't as dumb as others said. He stared at my expression. "Isn't that what you said to Luke yesterday?" He asked, then continued working.

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