Chapter 18

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Okay so, a few quick announcements. I was just playing around on this website a few days ago when I realized something... I have until the end of next month to finish the books I've entered into the Watty awards. 0.0 <---- see that face? It was what I looked like for like, the next five minutes after that. So, as you may or may not know, I have one other book entered titled Uniquely Hidden. Here's how I plan to update.

Okay, so i update Taken today, and on the 25 I update hidden. Then, Taken again on the 27. Do you see what I'm doing? It's just like im updating on every other day. Good news! I have the next two weeks off from school so i can REALLY focus on my writing.

ANYWHOSE! I think i've said enough soo..


Chapter 18


                “No! No, let me go! Kyle! Kyle, help!” I screamed out desperately, terrified of the person behind me who had a hold on my shoulder.

                “Mallory!” The fact that my capture sounded so familiar and knew my name slipped my mind in my panicked state.

                “Please, just leave me alone!” I screamed, a sob hitching my voice half way through.

                “Mallory, it’s just me!” the voice insisted, accomplishing in turning me around to face them. I know somewhere in my brain I registered the fact that I was staring at Lukes surprised face, but I was too far gone to pay attention. I struggled relentlessly against him, twisting this way and that in an attempt to free myself.

                I was past being stable, the terror I had felt when Kyle disappeared fueling my reaction to Lukes presence. It was as if a voice in my head was chanting “Danger, danger, danger!” No matter how hard the more reasonable side of my brain tried to calm me, the chant just seemed to take over.

                I was on survival mode, I guess you could say.

                “Mallory, just please calm down! You’re safe!” Luke cried out, but it just fell on deaf ears.  I was pretty much crazy by now, sobbing erratically and pounding against his chest with my fists.

                “Damn it, Damien’s going to kill me.” I heard him mutter as I felt his hands constrict around my upper arms.

                “Please, please look at me! I’m not going to hurt you!” he insisted, shaking me slightly. I let out another halfhearted scream.

                Suddenly, a loud growl surrounded us and we both froze, the only sound was the sobs that still ripped from me. Strangely enough, the growl comforted me instead of terrifying me. One second I was being held at arm’s length by Luke and the next, I was wrapped in the protecting arms of a growling Damien.

                He held me unbelievably close and I let him, clinging to his shirt for support. I heard him snarling at Luke over my, probably assuming Luke had been attempting to harm me; I was too far gone to try and tell him otherwise. I could slowly feel myself start to calm just in the presence of Damien.

                “What the hell is going on?” Damien snarled, placing a hand on the back of my head to keep my face pressed into his chest. I was breathing deeply, inhaling his scent as I attempted to regain my breathing. “Well?” he snapped, sounding even more impatient.

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