Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"See, the thing is Kyle," I started in a deadly calm voice, leaning forwards on my desk. "I don't recall telling you Mallory could take walks." I finished, cocking my head to the side as I studied him. My reward was watching him fidget in his seat, a clear sign that I was making him nervous and uncomfortable; good. I leaned back an inch, letting him think over what I was sure to be an amazing excuse. Crossing my arms, I waited impatiently; something he noticed.

"I... I just thought because she hadn't been outside in a long time, it might help her to..." he trailed off, maybe hoping I would fill in the blanks.

"It might help her what?" I snapped, feeling my patience wear.

"Clear her mind or something. She seemed stressed." He quickly blurted out, wincing slightly. I eyed him, feeling many suspicions rising.

"Why don't you tell me why you abandoned her?" I asked sharply, narrowing my eyes. His mouth opened and snapped closed so many times, I started to wonder if he was just doing another fish impression; he was known for that. "Spit it out, Kyle!" I barked. He jumped slightly before launching into explanation.

"I sensed and saw someone hiding just inside the bushes. I went to check it out-without letting her from my sight!" he quickly added when he sensed my increase in anger. "I had just barely caught sight of... something when..." he trailed off, his hand rising to his bump; that I understood. I took deep breaths, forcing myself not to become too mad at the idiot.

"What exactly did you see before you were hit?" I breathed out, attempting to remain under control. He sighed, rubbing his temple and wincing when he accidently hit his newly acquired bump.

"Nothing much, a glimpse of black hair and blue material pretty much." I sat back in my chair, nodding my head lightly. I still didn't totally believe him. Some things just weren't adding up and at that precise moment, I wasn't ready to trust anyone until they had a secure story.

Lots of unexpected things had been happening; Mallory being marked by Tyler, Ashens attack, Zacks to soon appearance and the deal he wanted to make. Now I had this attack on Kyle and Zack's red headed friend. I couldn't help but feel like they were all somehow connected, or based off of one another. There was also the chance that the person who had attacked Kyle was the same one that put Ashen in a coma.

But, wouldn't the pack members I had out on control sense, or even see someone who wasn't supposed to be there lurking around? That brought on a big concern for me. What if it was someone from my own pack?

I moved my eyes back to Kyle, who had grown even more nervous in my silence. He defiantly wasn't the brightest, but did that mean he wasn't capable of pulling this all off? I was ready to rule out anyone yet. I was still no closer to finding out whom was behind it all and what exactly they wanted.

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