Seven: Lily

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Lily giggled softly in her sleep. A wonderful dream played in her mind. She was in her backyard at home. The grass was a thick, green carpet over the rises and dips of the land. Lily wore her favorite yellow sundress that showed her freckled shoulders. Her hair was in curls that hung gracefully around her face. Lily's best friend Severus chased after her, his long black hair flying behind him. They were playing tag together as they did when they were little children.

"Bet I can beat you to the tree!" Lily shouted, a good distance ahead of Sev. Ahead, she saw the tree that marked the first place they met. Sev laughed as if not believing her. Lily slowed ever so slightly to pace herself. As soon as she did, Sev rushed ahead in a blur. She remembered this moment; it wasn't a dream, it was a memory. Sev would beat her and hide behind the tree trunk. Lily would find him crouched to the ground and ready to jump at her. Then he would jump at her, and Lily would stand close to his face and tickle him as he got distracted.

"Sev, come on, I know you're there," Lily gasped, heavily breathing from her run. Her hands brushed over the rough tree bark, around the base of it to find her friend. She giggled when he found him crouched down, his face looking at the ground. Lily waited for him to look up. He did, but it wasn't Severus. It was James Potter. Lily laughed, like in her memory with Sev. James smirked and stood to his full height, a good amount taller than her.

"Morning, sunshine," James laughed a sweet laugh and grabbed Lily's hand. Lily didn't pull away like she would have in real life. Instead, Lily smiled. They leaned in to each other. James' lips were millimeters away from hers. He was so close to kissing her and then-

Lily gasped and opened her eyes with a jolt. The dream wiped away, morphing into the view of the dorm room at Hogwarts.

"Lil, are you alright?" Skylar Trin asked. Her black hair tangled in the back of her head. Noticing this, she groaned and began pulling at it.

"Y-yeah. Just a weird dream..." Lily trailed, touching her lips with her finger tips, the ghost of James in her mind. She shook her head, clearing the imagine. She hated James.

"Oh, alright then." Skylar said then resumed her attack on her unruly knots. Lily shrugged her covers off. She laid eyes on the new girl still snuggled under the covers of her bed.

"It's Calysta, right?" Lily exclaimed in a whisper. Marlene McKinnon sat up straighter and turned her head around to look at the girl too.

"Calysta? I thinks that's it," She said. Lily nodded to herself. Calysta Daelynn, she was very sure of it now.

"Should we wake her up?" Lily asked. Skylar and Marlene shrugged. "I'll do it, then." Lily volunteered. She quietly padded over to the other bed. There were four in the room, each identical. It had been just her, Skylar, Marlene, and an empty bed before now. Calysta's face was scrunched into the pillow, her hand drooping over the edge. Her eyelids twitched. She was dreaming. Calysta suddenly sucked in a heavy breath, making Lily jump back. Skylar snickered. Lily stuck her tongue out at her, facing Calysta again and sat on the edge of the bed. Gently, Lily nudged Calysta's  shoulder. Her tank top strap fell down her arm.

"Hmm?" Calysta breathed, bringing her drooping hand into her body, massaging her eyes; blinking a few times. Calysta brought her gaze to the ginger, and she jumped slightly. "Oh, hello." she greeted, smiling.

"Morning," Lily smiled, standing now. Calysta rubbed her eyes again before shifting into a sitting position.

"Morning," Calysta replied quietly. "I'm Calysta." Lily already knew, but went along with it anyways.

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