Part 5 (sad and cute)

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I just can't wait till tomorrow....


*the next day*


I woke up feeling like crap...again.

I went downstairs and ate breakfast. I then got a text from Nash saying

"Hey y/n! Tonight dress casual bc I'm going to take you somewhere cause we need to catch up. I will pick you up at 6:30."

I texted back.

"Ok. Sounds fun!"

I went up stairs took a shower,dried my hair and brushed it. Then I put some shorts and tank top on.

I was going to change into something else before Nash comes but it's only 11:30 so I got enough time.

*4:30 pm*

I decided that it's a good time to start getting dressed.

I brushed my hair again and curled it. I put some mascara,eye shadow and nude lipstick on.

I put on some jean shorts,a t-shirt,and vans. It was about 6:00 when I got done so I went downstairs and started watching tv.

*6:30 pm*

I heard my doorbell go off. I got up and opened my door and there stood Nash.

"Hey stranger!" he said.

I chuckled and said

"Hey Nash."

"What no hug?" he said with a pouty face.

I laughed and gave him a hug.

"Let's go!" Nash said.

I close the door and locked it. I got in Nash's car and he drove off.

"Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise."


A few mins later we stopped on front of a park.

"A park?"

"Yup! let's go."

We got out of the car an started walking down a path.

"Oh crap!" Nash yelled

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I forgot my phone in the car! You just keep walking straight and you will see the surprise. I will be right back."

"Ok." I said and then Nash started to walk back to the car and I kept walking toward the surprise.

Hayes POV:

I heard Nash talking to y/n. When he said to keep walking and you will see the surprise I ran back to the picnic.

A couple mins later I started to hear footsteps.

My heart was beating really fast. Then I saw her....y/n.



Part 5!

I think there's going to 6 parts.

Idk but hope you guys enjoyed this part!

Part 6 is coming soon!


Hayes grier imagines (clean/dirty/cute/sad)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora