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"Hey! Jahee!"
I turned around to the boy yelling and running at me.
It was.. Taehyung!-.. No.. its RM..
I couldnt make up who it was because of the large crowd.
The boy then swiftly came up to me making it more clear to see that its J Hope.
"Hey , Jahee!"
"Oh, hey J Hope"
I said as i smiled at him.
"So how are you? Is the festival going good?"
"Yeah, were just going to be wearing costumes and were all set to be open."
J Hope then looks at my classroom which has cute stuff decorated all over it.
"So i get that this is a maid cafe?"
"So your going to be wearing a maid costume?"
"Oh Cute."

I paused for a sec thinking that, im going to be wearing a short skirt..
My eyes widened as i realized it.
"Whats wrong Jahee?"
"Im going to be wearing a short s-skirt.."
"Whats wrong about that? I think you'd look cute in it."
J Hope said as he winked at me.
"Stop flirting.."

Minutes later..

I pulled down my skirt and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
I look disgusting..
I took off my glasses and put them in my bag.
I went out of the dressing room to see amazed faces looking at me.
"Jahee, you look so pretty"
"Uh.. thanks.."
Looking around the room, i saw my boy classmates dressed in butler costumes. I went up to Kohyong my close seat mate i talk to.
"Hey Kyo, you look nice."
"Thanks you look cute Jahee."
After that i heard girls say Aiyee in the background. Since Kyo is pretty popular with the girls in our grade level, many girls would get jealous if they heard that.
"Okay Everyone, now that were all set, gather around me."
Our teacher said as she yelled from across the room.
"Yes Ma'am"
We all gathered around Ms. Jenni
And assigned who our partners were going to be for our little dance the Grade 9-12 practiced for the dance party.
The Grade 9 Girls get to be partnered with the Grade 10 Boys.
So i was going to be partnered with someone i dont know, and someone who's older than me.
I was partnered with.. Maknae?
Since the names are in code names, i dont have a clue to who that is.
And why Maknae out of all the code names he could choose.
I guess i better go look for this guy..?
I went out my classroom to go look for the so what named:
I walked down the hallway making my short skirt bounce.
I didnt like skirts, im more of a shorts and pants kind of girl.
I saw guys staring at me as i passed by, ew.
I looked at the paper my teacher had given me with the classroom number on it to go look for the guy.
Just after 2 minutes of walking, i finally found the classroom.
I knocked on the sliding door and then it slammed open to the side making a loud thud noise.
I looked up at the guy who opened the door and saw Taehyung.
"Huh? Taehyung? What are you doing here in the Grade 10's classroom?"
"Oh Hello there Cute Jahee~"
Taehyung said and giggled.
"We're just helping Jungkook dress for the dance party, and why are you here, Jae?"
I showed Taehyung the paper i had in my hand.
"It says that my partner is here in this class, may i see him?"
Jungkook then over heard me and Taehyung's conversation and went up to us and peeked to the side of Taehyung.
"Hi Jaehee, nice maid outfit."
I looked at Jungkook and blushed a little.
"Hi Jungkook, nice costume too."
Jungkook then looked at the paper i was showing Taehyung and smiled at me.
"Hey, your partners with me"
Jungkook steps in front of Taehyung to face me.
"Wow Lucky! You get to be partners with Jae"
J Hope said in the background.
"Y-your Maknae?"
I asked flusteredly.
"Yeah, i hope we could practice good together."
He said as he smiled at me with his bunny smile.
Jimin walked up to Jungkook and forced him to face Jimin.
"I'm not done fixing your costume."
Jimin puts a police badge on Jungkook's chest pocket to show that he is a cop, and put a fake gun in Jungkook's gun holder clinged on to his belt.
Jungkook then faces me and smiles at me.
Wow.. hot..
I thought to myself.
"Hey, we could practice now if you want."
"Uhm.. here..?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh, nothing, yeah lets practice!"

(Just pretend thats Jaehee and Jungkook dancing, and watch only until 1:14 or if you dont, continue reading)

My skirt kept bouncing up and down while dancing with him.
That look that we made in the dance, our faces were a milimeter away from kissing.
I could just feel myself blushing to the thought of kissing Jungkook..
After dancing we took a small water break.
All 4 of the boys went off to go buy water and the others went back to their classrooms.
So i was left with Jungkook in the room..
Jungkook was still practicing while i was sitting down watching him.
Jungkook then stops dancing and sits beside me to rest.
"Huuuuuuhh.. what a busy day.."
Jungkook complained.
"Yeah.. i thought we were just going to enjoy.."
"Hey, tell you what, why dont we go take a stroll around the school and look at some stalls and classrooms?"
"Sure.. sounds good".
Jungkook and i stood up in unison and walked out the classroom.
While walking in the hallways we saw classrooms decorated with cute designs.
"Ooh, its a future teller thingy".
"You want to try? I'll pay"
Jungkook puts a coin in the jar to signify that he paid.
I thanked him and sat on the chair that faced a magic globe with dust inside and a guy on the other side wearing a black robe.
The guy started to hover his hands around the globe and the dust started to rise.
"Hmm.. interesting.. your future will be easy, yet challenging. Your love life will be confusing at times. But only One person could capture your heart. You are in a sailing boat in a middle of a storm in the pacific. You are the boat. The waves is the person who wants you for no good. And the captain is the person who will be the one to save you from him."
"Your studies will be excellent. You dont need to worry, but stop worrying too much might cause a change of ways of your future."
The globe turned off and the dusts dropped. I stood up from the chair and thanked the guy that told me my future.
Im the boat and the person who will save me is the captain.. while the waves is the person who will drive into a different direction..
I looked at Jungkook and thought that he might be my captain..

Or is he...?

(Author: pardon my long chapter, i just got too cocky ;D )

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