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Still Yoongi's POV

Shit.. where did Yoonie go..
I stood up from the bench and started looking everywhere worridly.
Jimin then looks at me and asks:
"Whats wrong Suga?"
"Yoonie, shes gone."
Jimin stood up from the bench aswell.
"Where did she go-"
Just as he was about to say that i was already gone looking for Yoonie.
"Where is she.."
I went inside the school and looked for her.
I passed by people looking at me weirdly, like i was a new kid.
Since i dont usually go inside the school, none of these people have ever seen me.
I looked in classrooms and bathrooms, even closets.
But she wasent there.

After an hour of looking..

I leaned on a tree in the garden of our school and took a breath.
"I lost Yoonie.."
I put my bangs up with my hand and sat down inhaling and exhaling.
Then i heard chuckles and rustles near the tree in the bushes. I looked at the bush and saw it moving.
I then saw Yoonie pulling a little boy, about the same age as her, towards me.
"Oppa! Look i have a new friend!"
I sighed in relief that my sister was safe and that i didnt loose her.
"Whos this, Yoonie?"
"Junie! Introduce yourself!!"
The little boy then looks at me shyly and had his legs shaking.
I raised an eyebrow at him to show that i was confused.

He then hides behind Yoonie and hugs her from behind.
"Y-y-you have a s-scary big brother, Y-Yoonie.."
"Dont be silly Sung Jun! He just looks scary, but hes very nice."
The boy then stands up straight and faces me.
"H-hi my name is S-Sung Jun.. nice to meet you..."
"Hello Sung-Jun, why are you here? Are you here with your parents?"
Well.. i sounded like a kidnapper..
"N-n-no.. im here with my big sister.."
"Whos your big sister?"

"And that would be me."

I looked up at the girl and saw Jaehee..
"Jaehee? Your his sister?"
"Yes, and your the 'Oppa' of Yoonie?"
"I knew it! Her minted hair reminded me of you."
"How did you find my sister? And what is she doing with Sung Jun?"
"Well.. Yoonie said there was a man who said he would take her to the games and stuff, so Yoonie got excited and went with him."
"He then took Yoonie to some place else, and Yoonie realized it and started crying out loud."
"The man got scared so he ran off without Yoonie, leaving her at the back of the school."
"Sung Jun here, then found her and hugged Yoonie so that she would stop crying, and then they started to get along and play."

"So how did you predict that she was my sister?"

"Well, i was also looking for Sung Jun here, because he ran off without me, so i found him with Yoonie playing around on this tree your leaning on."

"Yoonie talks about this 'Oppa' guy alot, but she dosent say the name. But everything she said is sooo the opposite of what i'd think you'd act."
Jaehee said as she smirked at me.
"But now that i realized you were her Oppa, i think your pretty nice and responsible. Seems like you two get along cause she said to us once 'Oppa once played hide and seek with me at the back of our house, and i always win!' "
"I- your so sweet, Yoongi".
As she said that, i felt something weird in my stomach.
I didnt respond to compliments because i never really know what to say.
Jaehee then sits beside me while looking at Yoonie and Sung Jun play.
Jaehee turns her head to face me.
"Thank you for.. looking out for Yoonie.. and tell Sung Jun i said thanks to him also.. for comforting Yoonie...."
I felt really bad saying the last sentence.
"Whats wrong?"
"None of your business."

"Sheesh, i was just trying to help you if you were upset about something.."

I wanted to say so many thank yous to her, but couldnt express it.

Thank you for caring
Thank you for asking whats wrong..
Thank you for listening..

"Your dozing off, Yoongi."
"Why are you so nosy..."
"Im just- ugh your so mean, im trying to show that i care about you- UGHH, NOW IM BEING SOFT BECAUSE YOUR SOFT."
"Would you keep it down."
"Your so loud."
I said as i looked out into the distance.
"Your so cold, Yoongi."

"I Know.."

(Author: Omo i was able to post 2 parts in one day 😱 Anyway, im ending the Yoongi's POV here, cuz next POV is Jaehee's ;P)


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