08. heart within the east wind

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     i think she was looking for someone, maybe a saviour,

someone who would save her from drowning in her thoughts.

     and i guess, just maybe, that was what caused her odd behaviour,

i wish she realized she wasn't the only one with her stomach in knots.

     i'm confined within the walls of my own damn mind,

and every time i see her, everything crumbles and i'm left vulnerable.

     i look at her with glassy eyes, and a throbbing heart within the east wind,

my ears are ringing with silence, and her movements are predictable.

     from the way her lips curl up, and kindness drip from her lips,

like a bee drawn to honey, i incline my head to hear every word.

     talking to her is like understanding the moon and the solar eclipse,

it feels like the elephant in the room is just a tad bit absurd.

      but i feel like i've drawn too close to the flame,

and i need to clear my thoughts, which are crowded like the thundering clouds overseas.

     and i really can't put her to blame,

 for she is nothing but a cure to my disease.

 - heart within the east wind

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