30. forever is temporary

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to fall in love with myself, and not lose myself along the way is quite hard,

    i've found that my flaws are what seem to protrude like roses in a field of daisies.

i hope the oceans of earth drown me like my sorrows do,

   and that my nightmares will stop turning into realities.

there are millions of stars, and the ones we see,

   the ones we call beautiful, are all. dead.

so, why oh why, do you call yourself grotesque?

    if a deceased star is still beautiful, then you, my living, breathing, love, are enchanting.

you are the dark night where fireflies light up the sky when there are no stars,

    you are the moon on a sunny day, a breeze in a desert.

you hold your tongue in your mouth from spilling words,

    and i watch you hesitate to speak, eyes full of conflict.

why do you inflict this upon yourself 

    like harsh streaks of blue over red?

why do they matter to you so much?

   their thoughts, opinions, their views?

this is another letter i hope to be discarded into the dark,

   to never see the light of day, and to be burnt into the atmosphere.

these frivolous thoughts are buzzing in my mind,

   attracted to your honey spilling eyes.

with glances across the street, and smiles that reach our eyes,

   i hope that this continues to forever.

because forever is temporary, and we are insignificant, 

   and if that is to be true 

(which it is) 

    then let me have the honour of spending this time with you.

the day my heart will stop beating,

   will be the day my infinite hate and love for this world, for my family, for you, will stop.

- forever is temporary

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