74. oh sweet winter air

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oh sweet winter air,

      you are unforgiving, but she is merciful,

envelop my skin in an unwelcoming embrace,

      and give comfort to my rampageous head space.

like a forest fire gone wild,

        everything is burning, and chaotic misery,

scar my canvas with rips and tears,

       for it would just be another addition to my list of fears.

oh sweet winter air,

      loneliness is drumming softly at the back of my mind,

accepting it is second nature, no doubt about it,

      yet when she speaks to me in that tone of voice, i submit.

there is a tear in my armor, one that i don't mind having,

       for she speaks soft words that ooze into my ears like honey,

why do they grip me with panic, yet feel so sweet?

       and just like that, the vicious cycle is on repeat.

- oh sweet winter air

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