Chapter Three

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I wake up to a strange sound. I couldn't really make out the sound.

I rubed the sleep from my eyes and I saw what looked like dot on the horizon. But as it get closer I could see that it was a car.

A BL/i car.

This was what I was afraid of that everyone would fall asleep and not be able to alert anyone.

"Hey guys wake up."

No one got up.

"Get up!"

"Go back to sleep." Jet whined.

"What are you deaf. Get get your lazy buttes up. BL/ind cars coming this way we need to leave." Jet began to get up and he was about to tell me to go back to sleep but he saw the cars and tried to wake up the other guys.

Soon Party and Kobra got up and we made our way to the car.

Just as I was about to reach the car I was pulled back by my hair.

The darcs caught up to us and there were a lot of them.

They all surrounded me.

I tried to escape put he had a vice grip on my hair.

When Party saw me struggle he lunged at the darc and punch it. It immediately fell back from the blow.

Party fumbled for his ray gun. When he got it he aimed at the darc. As he was about to pull the trigger, a cold deep voice spoke up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, unless of course you want me to kill your little friend here."

Korse said as pressed the cold barrel of his gun on my temple.

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