Chapter Twenty-one

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                                                                Party Poison'S POV

After Frank left I directed my attention back to Mikey. “I hope you didn’t think I forgot did you?” “Forgot what?” “You were going to explain to me why you didn’t want to help Frank.” “I can’t tell you.” “Why can’t you tell me?” “You wouldn’t understand and because you wouldn’t understand you’ll get mad and hate me.” “Mikey I could never hate you. I will try my best to understand. I can’t promise that I won’t get mad though.” “Promise not to hate me?” “Yes.”

“Okay, you know how you like Frank?” “Yeah.” “And you know how you never knew if he liked you back?” I nodded my head, because I didn’t see how this related to the question. “Well I know because he told me.” “He did? What did he say?” “He told me he liked you” “What? Why didn’t you tell me?” “Because he told me not to tell you and because I didn’t want you to know.” “What!?! Why didn’t you want me to know?” “Please don’t be mad.” “Why didn’t you want me to know?” “I can’t you’ll get madder.” “So help me God Mikey if you don’t tell me why.” “I didn’t want you to know because I, I was jealous.” “Why would you be jealous?” “Because, IlikeFrankto.”

“Okay. Can you say that again, this time a little slower?” “I said. I like Frank to. So I didn’t tell you.” I shook my head. I kept repeating the sentence in my head over and over. I like Frank to. I like Frank to. I like Frank to. I like Frank to. I like Frank to. I like Frank to. “Are mad?” I looked at Mikey like he was stupid ‘cause Yeah I was mad. “No I’m happy. Yeah I’m mad.” “You shouldn’t be.” Sometimes I wonder about that boy. “Why is that?” “Because that’s not the worst part.” “What’s the worst part?” I was kinda hesitant to ask. But I have to know the answer. “Mikey what is it you’re not telling me?” He lower his head. He was hiding something. Mikey always told me everything, no matter how bad or stupid it was. He told me everything.

“Mikey I need you to tell me what it is and I need you to tell me now.” He lifted his head but still wouldn’t look me in the eye. “Well when the car flipped and he dragged us out of the car I was conscious.” “You could have helped him, but you let him get taken away. Why, ’cause you were jealous?” “Something like that.” “I don’t understand how you could do that. He was still you still your friend. If he liked you are not, he would have helped you. I can’t believe you would do something like that. It’s so not like you. I know you were upset and everything but you let it go way too far. Frank is now a mindless robot! That’s not the worst part he’s being abused! You saw those bruise and the blood!” “I know. I didn’t think they would hurt him.” “That’s your excuse? You didn’t think they would hurt him. He was a killjoy. They could have killed him! Is that what you wanted for him to get taken and then killed!?” Mikey didn’t answer. He just kept his gaze on the ground.

“Gerard there is something wrong.” Ray sounded scared. I turned to look at him. “You said that’s not like him and he would let go that far.” “Yeah?” I answered though it sounded more like a question. “He wouldn’t do that. Not unless he had no control over his thoughts and what they made him do. Someone knew. They used his feelings to their advantage to help them get Frank.” I looked back at Mikey, hoping that maybe just maybe Ray was wrong this time. I searched his face for a sign any sign that it wasn’t true. But I found none. “Mikey what did you do?”

I looked back over at Mikey, hoping that maybe just maybe Ray was wrong this time. I searched Mikey’s face for a sign any sign that he didn’t do what Ray was implying. But there was none. “Mikey what did you do?”

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