Chapter Twenty-Four

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Frank and Addam walked out of the room to the back of the building where the killjoys were. Frank was trembling as they rounded the corner. He knew what he had to do. But something in the back of his mind told him it was wrong. He shouldn't be doing this. But the mind control drugs were to strong.

When they reached they back of the building the killjoys were tied up and gagged. Addam stood in front of them with a smug look on his face." let's get this over with I have things to do." Frank sighed. held up his gun, and pointed it at Ray. The killjoys made noises of protest. Gerard managed to spit his gag out. Don't do it Frank. We are your friends." "Frank don't listen to him. They just want to confuse you. Do it!" "No Frank. we just want to help you." " No he's not. If you let him go he will just kill you." " Frank you have to believe me." "No-" "Stop! You're both confusing me. I don't know what to believe anymore." " It's okay Frank you just need a little push in the right direction." Addam stood behind Frank wrapped his fingers around Frank's own. "Just a little squeeze." Addam slowly tighten his grip on the trigger. "Don't do it Frank." Gerard pleaded. But it was to late. Frank had shoot Ray in his chest.

Gerard gasped loudly. Mikey spit out his gag and screamed. Addam Moved Franks arm and aimed it at Mikey. He didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. Gerard stared in horror. He was speechless. He Watched as the life drained from Mikey and Ray's eyes. Frank wasn't dead but he might as well be. He know Frank was going to shoot him next. He wanted him to he had nothing to live for anymore. He turned to Frank. He looked him the eyes. That defiant look was gone. Frank was gone. He had to accept that. Addam let go of Frank's hands. Frank pulled the trigger.

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