Chapter thirteen

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                                                                Fun Ghoul's POV        

Its been two days since I was taken. Just like Addam had said I didn't see Korse. They didn't hurt me. They also made sure I was well feed. Even tried in vain to get me to take the drugs to help my ankle once or twice. I only had to say no. They didn't try and force me to do anything. This scared me. I wanted to know what they planing. But I was worried about the answer. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Addam and two men twice the size of me and him. Nobody came when he came by ten times a day." How are you this fine day?" I didn't respond. I never responded." Still not talking I see. Thats okay you will soon." The two men he had with him rushed towards me. They draged me out of bed." I sorry to have to do this but I have no choice. I must follow my orders. I do hope you understand." The men proceeded to drag me down the hall by the arms and legs.The draged to a room that looked kinda like a metal box with a gurney. They straped me in and left." Now you haven't been cooperating well with us. You won't talk or take meds to help your ankle. So now we're gonna force it out of you." What does that suppose to mean. As if reading my mind Addam answered my question." We're gonna scan your brain for the infomation needed. And conduct other test and experiments." The two men come back in the room with this weird machine. They hooked some wires to the sides of my head." You're very lucky. This is the first time we used this on your kind. You should feel honored. This here is called the brain scan 300. Some of the others proven deadly, some erase your memory. But we wouldn't want to that now would we?" Addam turned on the machine." Now this should hurt alot." He turned a dial. At first I didn't feel a thing. But I wasn't thinking about anything but what it would feel like when it started to work. My body went numb. I was completely surround by darkness It felt like my brain was being ripped apart. Everthing I knew was being ripped out of my head slowly. All I could here was a loud high pitched ringing noise. I wanted to fight it but it was no use. I couldn't stop this thing from using me to hurt the people I loved. Using me to hurt Gerard. The one I loved the most. I still couldn't feel my body and the agonizing pain and noise was still there all I could focus on was Gerard and the fact that if thry caught him and killed him it would be all my fault. Even though I couldn't see or feel it I knew I was crying. I was helping these evil people hurt the ones I loved.

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