Chapter Seven

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                                                                        Party Poison's pov

I woke up to someone's chapped and warm lips on mine. They pulled away and whisper "I love you."

I quickly realized that the lips and voice belonged to Ghoul. When I looked up at him I saw him being dragged away by Korse.

I tried to get up to help him but my body hurt to much to move. I tried to call out his name. All that came out was a whisper of his real name.It was loud enough for Ghoul to look up at me and mouth the words “I love you”.


I felt my heart sink. I knew he didn't mean anything more than a friendly way. But to know he loved me in the slightest of way made my heart race. I said I love you to. As he was put into the car

I heard Kobra start to groan as the car pulled away.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him, all I could think about was that my best friends in the whole wide word was just taken away from me.

"Party what's going on?"

"The car flipped."

My voice was a little crooked from the lump that had formed in my throat.

Jet was the only one still out. Kobra and I were on our stomachs.

"Well where's Ghoul?"

That question brought tears to my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Kobra said. He moved closer to me.

"They took him. Korse took him."

Kobra was the only one that I told about my feelings for Ghoul.

Jet had just woke up. He crawled over to where we were with a worried but pain look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Jet was completely oblivious as to what happened. I was too upset to talk and Kobra could tell cause he answered for me.

"Korse took him."

"What how? What happened?"

"The car flipped we were all unconscious so he dragged us out. Korse was the reason we fliped when he was chasing us. Korse caught up to us while we were still out. Ghoul must have tricked him into thinking we were dead so Korse just took him."

"Oh." Was Jet's only reply.

I wiped the tears away and got up.

"Come on if we start now we can reach Dr.D and he can help us."

Jet and Kobra looked confused by my sudden change in mood. But they quickly got to their feet and followed me.

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