Chapter Twenty-Three

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                                                                Fun Ghoul's POV

After I left room 305. I went straight to Mr. Addam’s room. I need to know what the killjoy was talking about. I need to know that what he said wasn’t true. When I got to his room I didn’t wait for him to invite me in. His head shoot up. When he saw me he smiled. “Hello there. I wasn’t expecting you to here so fast. Is there something the matter?” “Is it true?” His smile faltered. “Is what true?” “What he said, is it true?” “You mean the killjoy?” “Yes, is anything he said true?” “Of course not. He is a killjoy and he is not to be trusted.” “If it’s not true then why can't I remember anything from yesterday? Why would he even say those things?” “Because he’s trying to get into your head, and you’re letting him do just that by doubting anything I tell you.” “Well how do I stop him from getting to me?” “There is only one way, and I think you know what must be done.” I nodded my head I knew exactly what I needed to do.

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