Chapter nine

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                                                                Fun Ghoul's POV

I woke up with a major headache. I rubed at my eyes and looked around. I was in a room with no doors or windows. I laid on a hard bed that was to small to even fit me. I had an itchy blanket over me. It was really hot in there. I had no clue as to where I was. This room was unfamiler.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I shot up in bed and frantically look around to find a way out. I started to freak when I saw there were none.

After a couple of mintues of my mimi freak out I heared voices on the other side of the wall.

"Why would you break his ankle? You know he is needed to be as healthy as can be."

It sounded like someone younger.

"Oh quit your whining. We have meds to help him heal twice as strong. Beside it was the only thing I could do to show his friends I meant what I said without actually doing it."

This voice belonged to Korse. I knew for a fact.

"You were ordered to put him in the best room we had to offer. Not t-this. If. She finds out you are going to be punished." The young male spoke up again.

Why would they care for my well being?

"Well I geuss She can't find out, now can She?"

"She'll find out if you kill me I'm her Personal Assistant. She'll have you killed. My life is important to her thats why she has guards with me at all times even if you can't see them." The other one said in short gasps.

I heared a light thud. And PA sucking in huge glups of air.  "That's w-wha, that's what I thought. Now, move him to a more suitable room before I report you."

"Yes sir."

I quickly scrambled back to my bed. I went under my cover and poked my head out. I saw a brick being push inside the room. A section in the wall opened. Korse walk in towards the bed. Rage was ecthed in his face. It scared me " Get up dirtbag." I slowly moved the covers from over me and I sat up slowly. This only ticked Korse off even more. He bent down and pulled me up by my hair. I whinced in pain only causing him to pull harder. He draged me out the room the way he draged me to his car. There was a small guy in the hall holding a clipboard. When he heard us coming towards him he yelled at the two men he had been talking to. They rushed towards us. They prief Korse off my hair and lift me up bridal style. They carried me up a few flights of stairs with the small guy with the clipbord close behind. We stop in front of a large door. When he went to open the door i saw his name tag said pa. The pa push the one brick and led the men carrying me to a bed. They put me down gently and left. The pa was the only that stayed behind. " Do you know who I am?" I didn't reply. " I'm Mr.Addam. You can call me Addam if you like. Whats your name?" I was confused as to why he would be so nice to me. Whatever the reason I'm not telling him my real name if my life depend on it, which I had a feeling it did. " You're not talking. Thats okay I won't force you to do anything you don't won't to. And we won't hurt you like Korse. He's not allowed near you." I looked around the room. It was a decent size it even had a bathroom and small shower." Do you like it?" I still wouldn't reply. I knew what they needed me for, infomation. I wasn't gonna talk. I had to stay strong for Party's sake.

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