Chapter Four

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"Let him go." Party said.

"I don't think so. He is wanted for crimes against the city as well as you."

I tried to get away but he kept geting closer.

"Let him go I'm the one you want."

Korse chuckled. "Oh, but you see you are no longer my main target. The company thought it would be easier to get him. As he knows just as much as you maybe more."

Korse crouched down beside me with his ray gun in my face. He yanked my head back so that I would look at him.

"Yes much easier then I thought."

"Let him go."

I tried to reach for my gun but it was pointless I left it in the car.

Korse still grabed both my hands. I managed to wriggle out of his grip. I punched him in the face.

I tried to run but he caught me by anckle. He draged me down. He Pulled me back to him. His grip tighten as he twisted my anckle until a loud a loud snap was heard. The pain was dizzying, I felt like I would pass out.

"Now you can't run away can you? You see if you would have came with me this wouldn't have happened. We can fix that for you when you are needed."

Korse started to pull me by my ankle. More pain shot through me, making my body tense. I felt like I was going to be sick.

My leg was roughly dropped and I was being lifted by the arms by Kobra and Jet. They had carried me to the car.

Korse was on the ground holding his nose there was blood on his hands.

Huh, I always thought he was a robot.

Party jumped into the car. He turned the key, but the car wouldn't start.

"Come on" Party mumbled to himself.  He tried again. The engine only stalled. I looked back and saw Korse slowly getting up.

"Come on, baby." Party continued to talk to the car.

This time when he turned the key the car started.

Korse was walking to the car. Party put the car in gear and blamed his foot on the glass. As we began to picked up speed so did Korse.

He was way faster then I thought. It was really scary. He was really close behind. I thought he would catch us.

Kobra and Jet put halfs their bodies out the windows and starting shooting. Korse started to shoot back. He missed, as well as Kobra and Jet.

Eventually Kobra and Jet got back in the car. Korse was still shooting.

One of his shoots went through the back window, leaving a hole in the glass with cracks around it.

Anonther shot hit the back tire.

The car swerved out of contral. Party tried to keep it in contral. All his efforts only caused the car to flip.

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