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"Where are you going?"

"Mia, my love, I'm going to make you dinner since we're alone."

"You already have something I can eat when we're alone."

"Shush! You like pasta, right?"

"I do."

"Do you have vodka sauce? That's my favorite."

"No, sorry. I think we have tomato sauce in the cabinet there."

[rummaging noises]

"Mia! Guess what?"

"You're giving up on cooking for me and coming over here so we can cuddle and watch Terminator?"

"No! I found vodka near the tomato sauce! We can make vodka sauce!"

"I don't think that's how-"

"You're right, it needs more vodka."

"Are you trying to get me drunk? Just hand me the bottle, fuck."

"Shush. It just needs more butter. Will a stick work?"

"I'm not eating that."

"It tastes good!"

"I see your tears of disappointment, babe. I see them."

"It's... So delicious..."

"I saw you spit that out!"


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