Chapter 14

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Colby's POV:

   I woke up with Cassie in my arms. I stared at at her, admiring her beauty. She has gorgeous, blue eyes and soft, brown hair. I loved everything about her. I stayed in bed for awhile so I wouldn't wake her up. She finally stirred and her eyes opened. "Good morning baby girl," I said softly.

She smiled and said "Morning babe." I pecked her lips, and she started to get out of bed. I pulled her back down on top of me. I flipped us over and leaned in to kiss her. We made out for a couple minutes before pulling away.

I got off of her and grabbed some clothes before hopping in the shower. When I finish, I get dressed and walk back into the room to find Cassie still laying down. I run over and jump on top of her. "Get up! Get up!" I yell.

"Okay, okay. Jeez Colby," she says, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Oh, you're gonna regret that." I say while moving my hands down to her sides. I start tickling her, and she's laughing uncontrollably. I laugh at her and say "I won't stop until you say Colby is the sexiest boyfriend in the world."

   "I can't say that. My mom told me to never lie." She says smirking.

   "You shouldn't have said that baby girl." I said, smirking back at her. "I'm gonna have to punish you for that." Her eyes widened as I climbed off of her. I picked her up bridal style and started walking downstairs.

   "Colby! Colby stop!" She yelled. Cassie tried to kick and hit me to get out of my grip, but I didn't let her go. I went outside and stood next to the pool. "Colby don't! I can't-" I cut her off by throwing her in the pool. She splashed around and looked as if she was struggling to swim.

   "Fuck! Hold on!" I jumped in and grabbed her by her waist. I pulled her up and swam over to the shallow end, where she could stand. She coughed and choked on some water. "I'm so sorry Cass! I had no clue you couldn't swim!" I felt really bad for doing that to her.

   "Oh shut up! I'm fine. Thanks for saving me though." She said. She hugged me and then swam away. I looked at her confused.

   "W-what?!" I asked.

   She laughed at me and said "I know how to swim Colbs. I had to get back at you though." She stuck her tongue out at me and pulled herself out of the pool. I poured and got out after her. I chased her through the house until I finally caught her.

   I pulled her close to me so our body's were touching. I grabbed her by the waist and flung her over my shoulder. I brought Cassie to my room and let her down. She looked at me and turned to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist. "Not so fast baby," I said, smirking.

   I took her hands and pinned them against the wall. She squirmed in my grasp, but I wasn't letting go yet. I stood inches away from her and started leaning in. As soon as I was about to close the gap between us, my door opened. "Colby can we film the..." Sam trailed off as he looked over at us. "Oh, um, sorry guys." He said before leaving.

   I released Cassie's arms and stepped away. Sam ruined the moment, so it felt kind of awkward. "Sorry about that Cass," I apologized.

   "It's fine Colby." She replied. "You should probably go film that video with Sam though." 

   "Okay. I'll see you later," I said before kissing her cheek and going downstairs to find Sam.


Cassie's POV:

   After Colby left, I grabbed all my stuff and went out to my car. I didn't want to bother anyone at the house, so I went back to my place.

   When I got there, I changed and put Netflix on. I watched a few movies and ate dinner. After the third movie, I was getting tired so I went to lay down in my bed. I had trouble falling asleep because Colby wasn't there.

   In the middle of the night, I woke up crying. I had the nightmare again. It seems to get a little better when Colby is with me, but he's sleeping and I don't want to wake him. I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I got out of bed and made some hot chocolate.

   I sat on my couch and played games on my phone. When I got bored, I turned the tv on and binged several shows. By morning, I was exhausted and in desperate need of some rest, but I wasn't able to sleep.

   I got up to take a shower and get ready for the day. I figured I would go out to the mall to buy some new clothes. I didn't bring much when I moved to California, so I could use some more.

   When I was dressed and ready to go, I got in my car and put the directions in on my phone. I jammed out to music while I drove, to help keep me awake.

A/N I feel like this book is boring  and repetitive. Please tell me if it is, and let me know how to improve it. I kinda rushed to write this, but I hope you like it. Please vote, comment, and share. Love you! ❤️

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