Chapter 18

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   I was deep in my thoughts, when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey baby girl," a deep voice said in my ear. I froze as I realized who it was.

Cassie's POV:

   I was stuck in place, so I couldn't run away. I can't believe they're back. The two men that kidnapped me years ago are back. How the hell did they find me?! God dammit! This isn't gonna be good. "We finally found you again." One of them said.

   "This time, we aren't letting you leave," the other told me. They grabbed my hands and told me to walk with them normally, so no one would be suspicious. I did as they said because I knew there would be consequences if I didn't listen.

   They gave me a bunch to rules to follow the last time, and they've been stuck in my head the whole time. I can't talk unless given permission. I I don't do what they say, I'll be punished. I can't fight back. I can't make any noise while they punish me, and so on.

   They threw me in the trunk of a car and drove away. When the car finally stopped, they dragged me into an abandoned building. They tied me to a chair and put a gag in my mouth. One of them walked away and came back with a whip, a knife, and a shock collar.

   They put the shock collar around my neck. "If you move or make any noise, we'll shock you with the highest setting." They told me.

   I sat still and waited for them to start beating me. The taller one, Joe, took the whip from Mark, the shorter one, and started hitting me with it. On the first touch, I winced in pain. "Baby, what did I just say?" Joe asked in a deep, loud voice.

   Joe pressed a button on a remote, and the shock collar buzzed and I felt an immense pain around my neck. I fought the urge to scream and jump in pain. It hurts so fucking bad, but I know better than to let him do that again.

   After twenty minutes of them constantly torturing me, they finally took the shock collar off and left. I sat there and fought the tears that wanted to roll down my face. I hate being so vulnerable.

   Nobody is ever going to save me. They probably won't even notice I'm gone. I live alone. I don't have very close friends. I broke up with my ex boyfriend, and my brother barely talks to me. I'll be stuck in this hell hole until I die. I gave up and just sat there, waiting for them to come back and torture me again.

   At this point, I'm done with everything. I've been through this before, and I know it's only going to get worse. It's too bad they won't just kill me faster. No one would miss me anyways. If I do somehow get out of this, I'll never be the same. My nightmares will only be worse, and I'll barely sleep or go anywhere alone, in fear of them getting me again.

A/N The next chapter will be in Colby's POV. I promise it'll be longer than this one. I though I had more to write, but I guess not. Also, I can't believe I've already written 18 chapters. It doesn't feel like I have. Comment if you want me to start doing a question of the day or something like that. Please vote, comment, and share. Love you all! ❤️

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