Chapter 19

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Colby's POV:

   "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I yelled in frustration. "Ugh, god dammit! Why do I mess everything up?!" I had just looked at Instagram, and Shea posted a picture of us kissing. I commented on it earlier today and said something I completely regret. 'I had fun tonight too baby 😘' Those words rang in my head. The worst part? I wasn't even drunk.

I messed up big time. How could I do this to Cassie? She's probably devastated. Even though we only dated for a few days, I truly liked her. I don't know what was going on in my head last night, but I'm really regretting it right now. I texted Cassie to see if I could talk to her.

Colby: Hey Cass, I know you're really mad at me right now, but I need to talk to you. Please respond when you can. (9:15 am)

Colby: Cass? Please, please just let me talk for like 5 minutes. Then you can leave and ignore me. (9:53 am)

Colby: I understand that you're mad and upset, but please, I need you... (10:38 am)

Colby: Cass? Are you there? Please tell me you're okay... (11:26 am)

Colby: I'm getting really worried. I just texted your brother. He said you won't answer him either. Please respond to one of us. (11:49 am)

Colby: I'm coming to your apartment. I need to check and see if your okay. (12:04 am)

Colby: Did you go out somewhere? You aren't here. Your car is parked here but you aren't inside. Please answer... (12:25 am)

Colby: I'm tracking your phone now. Shane and I are really worried. (12:51 am)

Shane and I tracked her phone to see that it was at some random building. What the hell would she be doing there? I quickly got in my car and drove to the building, Shane following behind. It took an hour to get there, but we finally arrived.

There was a car parked in an alley beside the building, so we knew someone was here. We looked around for an entrance, but nothing was unlocked. "Should we break down a door?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's try it. It's not like Cassie to just disappear out of nowhere, unless..." Shane trailed off.

"Unless what?!" I shouted.

"Oh, um...nothing." He replied. I gave him a confused look. We tried breaking down the door, and it finally budged after our fifth attempt. I went in first, walking slowly and carefully.

We didn't find anything unusual, and we were about to leave, when we heard a scream. "Shit! That sounded like Cassie!" I ran in the direction we heard her. I bursted through a door to see two men with a whip and knife in their hands.

"Aw, look. Her little boyfriend came to save her, and he brought his friend." The taller one said. Cassie looked over at me with a terrified expression on her face. There were bruises and cuts all over her, which pissed me off even more.

I ran over to the men and punched one in the face. His nose started bleeding, and I'm pretty sure it's broken. I knocked the knife out of his hand and threw it across the room. Shane came over and fought the other guy. We both got beat up quite a bit, but we somehow managed to take the guys out.

I rushed over to Cassie, who was struggling to keep her eyes open. "Come on baby, stay awake until the ambulance comes. Stay strong for a couple more minutes." I said while untying her. I picked her up and ran outside to the street, where the ambulance could easily get her.

After three minutes, the police showed up and took the men away. They would be sent to prison for six years. The ambulance took Cassie away, and I followed behind in my car. I was extremely worried for her because she was badly beaten up before we got there.

We got to the hospital and rushed in to ask what room Cassie is in. "I'm sorry. You'll have to wait to see her. She's not allowed to have visitors right now." The receptionist told us.

"Ugh, dammit!" I shouted and stomped over to the waiting room. I paced back and forth across the floor. "Colby, calm down. She'll be okay. She's a strong girl." Shane said, trying to reassure me.

"I know, I know, but this is all my damn fault. If I didn't fucking cheat on her, none of this would have happened!" I snapped at him. "Sorry. I'm just really worried." I said, realizing how rude I sounded.

"It's okay dude. It's not your fault. They came here to find her, so they would have gotten her anyways." He said. I nodded my head and sat down in a chair to wait for permission to see Cassie.

A/N Guys wow. I have 1k reads on this. I never expected that, but thank you so much! You guys are amazing, and feel free to contact me if you ever need to talk. I was bored, so I updated three times today. Whoops... 😂 Please vote, comment, and share. Love you all so much! ❤️

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