Chapter 32

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Colby's POV:

We leave to go home today. I'm not ready for this, but I don't have a choice. I have to face my family, and I'll have to give a speech at her funeral. I already know I'm going to burst out in tears in the middle of it, so I asked Sam if he would be willing to finish it for me since she was basically his second mom. I packed my last few things and zipped up my suitcase. On my way downstairs, I noticed Cassie struggling with hers, so I picked it up and brought it down for her. "Thanks," She said. I nodding my head, not saying a word. Sam cane down a few minutes later, and we all loaded our stuff in the car.

Sam was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Cassie sat in the back. The car ride was silent, not even music playing in the background. None of us dared to say a word, too upset and worried for obvious reasons.

We finally reached the airport, and Sam found a parking space that we could leave the car in for as long as we needed. We grabbed our luggage and walked quickly inside. After going through security and all that stuff, we waited to board the plane. "Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" Sam asked. We hadn't eaten breakfast before leaving, but I'm not hungry. I haven't had much of an appetite lately. The most I ate was one meal a day. I shook my head, and slouched down in my seat.

"Could you get me a bagel? And Colby you should really eat something. You're getting really skinny." Cassie replied. Once again, I shook my head no. I heard her sigh, but I didn't look up. "Get him something too, please." She s whispered. I don't think i was supposed to hear it, but we're right next to each other so it's kinda hard not to.

While Cassie and I waited, she tried talking to me a few times, but I just ignored it. I'm not in the mood to talk right now. I just want to be left alone. "Here you go," Sam said as he handed Cassie her food.

"Thanks," She replied. He handed me a muffin, but I refused to take it. "Colby, you need to eat." Cassie said. I gave up and just took it, biting into it slowly. I'm really not hungry at all. Why can't she understand that?

   After eating half of the muffin, I started to feel sick. "I need to use the bathroom." I said. They both nodded, and I got up, bringing the food with me. When I was out of their sight, I threw it away. I made my way to the bathroom quickly, almost at a jogging pace. I entered one of the stalls and bent down before puking up all of the food that I just ate. I flushed the toilet and went to the sink to clean up. I washed my face and cleaned out my mouth, but it still felt and tasted gross.

   When I was done, I went back to Sam and Cassie. "You okay?" Cass asked.


-Skip Plane Ride bc I'm lazy-

   We finally arrived in Kansas, and I couldn't be any more terrified. I don't want to do this, but I know that my mom would want me to stay strong. She was always such a brave woman. She's the person who inspired me to do what I do today. To take chances and go beyond the norm. I will always admire what she's done for me and for everyone.

   I called an Uber to bring me to my house. It arrived quickly, but we still had a half hour drive to get home. The driver was talking to us and telling random stories, but I zoned out in the middle of it. I don't care about his problems right now. I already have too much to deal with.

   The last five minutes were brutal. All these memories of when I was younger flooded my mind. I remembered every single thing that has happened to me here. All those amazing times I spent with my family. When we were actually happy and together. Now we're all just broken. None of us really talk anymore.

   We finally reached our destination. I'm home again. I just wish it wasn't for these reasons. I wish I could see mom again. I would do anything to be with her again. Anything. I slowly walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Normally I would just walk in, but I don't have a key anymore. My dad opened the door and immediately pulled me into a hug. The two of us stayed like that for a bit. We've always been close. My whole family was. He finally let go and said, "I've missed you."

   "I missed you too, dad."

   He let me in with Sam and Cass following behind. I introduced him and Cassie before we all headed up to our rooms. Sam was in the guest bedroom, while Cassie and I were in my old bedroom. I made sure she was alright with it beforehand. My dad seemed to like her which is good, but I'm not really focused on that right now. I just want some time to think. My dad, Sam, and Cassie were all downstairs talking, but I stayed in my room. I wanted to be alone. I don't want to talk. I need someone to comfort me. I need my mom.

a/n i'm on vacation right now and it's almost 1 am. i can't sleep and i'm bored so i did a double update. anyways i hope you guys enjoyed these chapters. also if there's any mistakes, it doesn't make sense, or i'm repeating myself a lot, it's because it's 1 am. i should probably be sleeping but screw that. oh well. see ya. xx

okay so right after i finished typing that i dropped my phone on my face. fun. bye for real now.

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