Chapter 34

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Colby's POV:

   I already know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna disappoint everyone. My family. My friends. My fans. They'll all be so mad and upset. And I don't want to do this to them. I don't want to put them through this pain, but I can't help it. I have this urge that won't go away. I can't stop this from happening. No one can.

Cassie's POV:

   After everything that happened, Colby has been going to therapy. At first, it didn't seem like it was helping, but he's been hanging out with everyone more. He's talking and smiling, although I can't always tell if it's fake or not. I'm just glad to be with him again. I'm glad that he's doing better. Colby told me earlier that he wanted to take me on a date tonight. I was so happy to hear it because I feel as though we've disconnected. Which I completely understand, but I still wish that it wasn't so bad.

   As I was getting ready for my date, I realized I had no idea where we were going. Since I know that he won't tell me, I dressed in the middle. It's not fancy, but it's also not just casual. I wore a black skirt with a large sweater and some all black converse. I quickly curled my hair and put a bit of styling cream in it to help with the frizziness. Satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed a wallet and my phone and waited in the living room.

   A few minutes passed, when I noticed Colby walking down the stairs. He looked amazing as always in his sweater and black skinny jeans. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that I didn't over or underdress. Colby reached his hand out to intertwine it with my own and helped me up off the couch. "Ready, beautiful?" He asked.

   I nodded and blushed, allowing him to lead me to his car, our hands still locked. He opened the passenger door, only letting go of me to close it before walking to the driver's side. He started the engine, gave me one last glance and drove off to wherever he planned on taking me.

   The car ride was silent other than the music playing almost too quiet to even hear. "Colby?"


   "Are we almost there?"

   "Yeah, only a few minutes until we arrive." I nodded and turned the music up a little louder, humming to whatever song was on. I looked over at Colby, who was focusing deeply on driving. He didn't show any signs of being alive other than blinking every so often. His arms moved ever so slightly when he took a turn. His chocolate brown hair was swept over his forehead just enough to hang down to his eyes, covering them the tiniest bit. I would admire his features all day if I could. To some people, he may seem like an ordinary guy. Like a typical adult. But, to me he is so unique and special. He's different, in the best way possible, from all the others guys I've met.

   Realizing I've been staring at him for quite a long time, I refocused my attention to the view outside the window. Turning my head to the right, I see nothing but trees and darkness. I feel the car pull over to the side of the road, unsure of why Colby brought me here. "What's going on?" I asked. Receiving no reply, I watch as he gets out of the car, walks over to my door, and opens it. He holds his hand out for me to grab and helps me step out. I follow him to the truck of his car, observing as he grabs a bag of stuff and a flashlight.

   "Where are we?" I asked.

   "Just follow me. It's not too far of a walk, but it's definitely worth it." He replies, calmly.

   Still holding hands, he leads me through an opening in the woods, brushing past branches and leaves. I carefully watch where I place my face, cautious as to not trip and fall. We continue on for what seems like an hour, when in reality it's only been five minutes. "And here we are." Colby said.

   "Wow, this is amazing. It's so beautiful." I admire the place in front of me, lit up with lanterns and sitting there looking as if someone is living in it.

   "Do you like it?" He asked, looking over at me with hopeful eyes.

   "I love it. Thank you for being me here," I answered.

a/n why do i always update late at night? probably because i have nothing better to do. i mean, what even is sleep anymore. anyways, let me know what you think about this chapter. comment what you think Colby was talking about in the beginning and where he brought Cassie. i hope you enjoyed this. bye. xx

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