Chapter 38

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*10 years later*

Cassie's POV:

It's been ten years since I lost him. Ten years since the man I fell in love with died. I've never fully gotten over it, however I have moved on. I had to for my own health. Colby was one of the best things that ever happened to me. He showed me so much and taught me that you can do anything you dream of.

Since then, I've become a part time youtuber and I own a bakery. I met a new guy, Noah, five years ago. We quickly fell in love, and we are now married with a one year old daughter, Hazel. She's so adorable; she looks just like me but with Noah's curly brown hair. We're a very happy family with the exception of a few memories.

A few times a month, Noah and I visit an abandoned or haunted place to help me keep the memories of when Colby was still here. Noah is very supportive of it, and he doesn't mind that I still get upset over it. He understands that I truly love him; that I just can't let go of Colby completely.

This month, we've decided on the place I couldn't even go anywhere near for the longest time. Suicide Bridge. I want to see the place I lost him at.

When Noah and I arrived there, we grabbed our bags and slowly went down the path to where I stayed once with my friends. I paused every so often, taking in all that happened here. My eyes watered at the thought of it, but Noah held me close to him, comforting me.

We got to the place with the large rectangular stone box and placed our stuff down. We sat in silence, staring at our surroundings. I remember being terrified the last time I was here, but for some odd reason it felt comforting this time. It felt peaceful. 

I looked at Noah and nodded, letting him know that I was ready. He gave a slight smile and pulled something out of his backpack. There it was. The only other thing I did when I was here last time. A ouija board.

Noah and I set it up and began to play it. We placed two fingers on the planchette and circled the board twice. I started off by asking if there was a spirit that was willing to talk. As if it was waiting for ask to ask, the planchette immediately moved to yes.

"Did you die here?"


"Did you want to die?"


"How old were you?"

2 0

"What is your name?"


"It's you..."

Y E S  I  M I S S E D  Y O U

"I missed you too." Tears poured out of my eyes, and my vision was blurred.

I  L O V E  Y O U  C A S S I E

"I love you too, Colby."

I M  S O R R Y  F O R  T H E  P A I N  I  P U T           Y O U  T H R O U G H

"It's okay. I understand how much you were going through."

Y O U  A N D  N O A H  M A K E  A  R E A L L Y       G R E A T  C O U P L E

"Thank you, we're very happy together." I looked at him and smiled through my tears. He grinned back and wrapped his free arm around me.

I  H A V E  T O  G O  B U T  I  W I S H  Y O U            B O T H  T H E  B E S T  O F  L U C K  W I T H         Y O U R  F A M I L Y  A N D  L I F E  A N D                P L E A S E  T E L L  S A M  A N D  T H E                  O T H E R S  T H A T  I  M I S S  T H E M

"Okay, I will. Bye, Colby, it was nice talking again."

B Y E  C A S S

We moved the planchette to goodbye and removed our fingers. I hugged Noah and cried into his shoulder. I can't believe I talked to Colby again. I never thought it would actually work. I'm so glad I could do that because it's almost like a weight was lifted now that I've had one last connection with him.

Noah held my hand as we packed our stuff up and walked back to the car. While we drove back home, I sent Sam and the others a group text letting them know what happened. They all replied immediately surprised at how they'd never thought of that and how it actually worked. We talked the entire time I drove back, but afterwards it was like it's been for the past eight years. Quiet and lonely. We stopped talking awhile ago after everyone moved out and got in with their own lives. None of us stay in contact anymore. It's kind of sad, but at the same time I don't mind anymore. I've gotten used to it, and I'm happy with my life otherwise.

There are times I wish I had stopped Colby before it ever happened, but I have to remind myself of all the new good things I have in my life now. Although I lost one of the most important people in my life, I ended up with two new people just as important. While I occasionally wish Colby and I were still together, I always remember that nothing lasts forever.

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this final chapter. I will not be making a sequel or spin off or anything else having to do with this book. It's kinda sad letting good this book and ending it, but I feel as though there's nothing else to write about and it's getting boring to write or read about. If you have any suggestions for new books, I'm completely open to your ideas. Please no fanfics, as I'm too lazy for the research I'd have to do and it's hard to write one if you aren't a big fan of them because it's not interesting. So please comment some general suggestions for a book idea, and I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all so much for reading my book. You all mean so much to me. The amount of comments and votes has warmed my heart, and we're almost at 50k reads. That's incredible to me. I never expected that much because my writing has always sucked. I didn't think I could write something that people would find interesting, but I'm so glad that I did (I think). Words can't describe how happy it makes me to read all your comments, and if any of you wants to talk, I'm always open to meet new people. Just message me on here and I'll reply as fast as I can. You can also give suggestions or feedback there if you want. Thank you again. I love you all.

If anyone wants to leave a review, comment it here. I don't care if it is good or bad, but I want to be able to put these at the beginning of my book to honor some of my active readers and to show new readers what other people thought of the book, so they can decide whether or not to read. You don't need to leave one, but it would mean a lot to me. Thank you all.

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